Vol 28 No 4
The Stata News
Executive Editor ............Karen Strope
Production Supervisor ... Annette Fett
Censored outcomes
If you analyze data with Gaussian
dependent variables that are censored,
you will want to update to Stata 13.1.
You can now do just about anything you
want with such outcomes. Extensions
of tobit and censored regression models
include the following:
Selection models
Random effects and coefficients
Endogenous covariates
Treatment effects (ATEs)
Multivariate models
Unobserved components
Endogenous switching models
All of these models may be combined
with each other. For example, you
can specify a tobit model with random
effects, random coefficients, sample
selection, and endogenous covariates.
Moreover, the random coefficients
can occur in both the outcome and
selection models.
All of these features are implemented
through extensions to Stata’s gsem
(generalized SEM) command and
graphical SEM Builder.
See page 3 for a discussion.
Power and sample size
The power command that was
introduced in Stata 13 has new methods
for analysis of ANOVA models:
One-way models
Two-way models
Repeated-measures models
Like other power methods, you can
compute (1) sample size, (2) power, or
(3) effect size. Compute any of the
three given the other two.
You just tell power what you know,
and it produces tables and graphs of
what you want to know.
Stata 13.1 also introduces facilities
to easily add your own new methods
to the power command and
produce tables and graphs of results
See page 2 for details.
Time series
Stata 13.1 also adds several new
features for the analysis of univariate
time series:
IRFs (impulse–response functions)
for ARIMA and ARFIMA models
Autocorrelation functions from
ARIMA and ARFIMA models
Parametric spectral densities for
seasonal ARIMA models
Stability checks for ARIMA models
All of your favorite multivariate tools
can now be applied to univariate models.
See page 4 to see these features.
Haven’t upgraded to Stata 13 yet?
You’re missing one of the most exciting releases of Stata ever. Learn more on page 8.
A free update to Stata 13 is available—Stata 13.1
For those who have Stata 13, just type update query in Stata, and follow the instructions, or
select “Check for updates” from the Help menu. Stata 13.1 introduces several new features.
New power and sample size for ANOVA .... 2
New features for censored outcomes and
tobit models ................................................. 3
In the spotlight: New univariate time-series
features added in 13.1 ................................. 4
New distribution functions .......................... 5
In the spotlight: Adding your own methods
to analyze power and sample size ............. 6
Stata Conference Boston 2014 ................... 9
Visit us at ASSA 2014 .................................. 9
Econometrics Winter School using Stata ... 9
Public training courses ............................. 10
NetCourses™ ............................................ 10
New from Stata Press ............................... 11
New from the Stata Bookstore ................. 11
Stata 13.1, a free update to Stata 13, adds three new
methods for power and sample-size analysis of ANOVA
models—oneway, twoway, and repeated:
power oneway
performs analyses for one-way ANOVA
power twoway
performs analyses for two-way ANOVA
power repeated
performs analyses for repeated-measures ANOVA
These new facilities work just like the existing facilities
for comparisons of means, proportions, correlations, and
variances. You can specify single values or ranges of values
for power and effect size to compute required sample size.
You can specify sample size and effect size to compute
power. Or you can specify power and sample size to
compute effect size.
Your results can be displayed either in tabular form or as a graph.
Multiple scenarios can be compared on a table or a graph.
For one-way ANOVA, you can perform analyses either on
comparisons of means or on arbitrary contrasts of means.
All methods work with unbalanced models.
You can specify your problem in the way you find most
convenient. For example, to compute the required sample
size for a one-way analysis, you can specify the projected
group means directly, or you can specify between-group
variability. power oneway will accommodate either of
these specifications.
You can perform your analysis using
either natural command syntax (see
stata.com/stata13/power-and-sample-size) or
the integrated power and sample-size control panel—a
graphical interface to guide you through your analysis.
Read about all the new features provided for power
and sample-size analysis in Stata 13 and 13.1 at
stata.com/stata13/power-and-sample-size. There
you will find highlights and a quick overview of the new
features, links to videos, links to worked examples, and
even a PDF of the new Power and Sample-Size Reference
New power and sample size for ANOVA
We can even add a random coefficient on age by interacting a random latent variable (RC[id]) with age:
. gsem (income <- education age c.age#RC[id] weeks UC RE[id], family(gaussian, rcensored(150000)))
(weeks <- education age z1 z2 UC@1 , var(UC@1))
New features for censored outcomes and tobit models
We often cannot observe or measure an outcome over its full range. Tests for detecting a toxin often require the toxin to
exceed a threshold before it can be detected—left-censoring. Patients’ weights will be censored at the upper limit of the
scale used to weigh them—right-censoring.
Related to left- and right-censoring are interval measurements, or interval censoring. Income can be surveyed in ranges ($0
to $10,000, $10,001 to $30,000, $30,001 to $60,000, $60,001 and up), or patient weight can be recorded in ranges (0–80
pounds, 81–120 pounds, 121–150 pounds, 151–180 pounds, 181–220 pounds, 221–250 pounds, over 250 pounds).
Stata has long been able to estimate regression models with censored outcomes. tobit can estimate models with left- or
right-censoring at fixed values. intreg can estimate models with interval measurements or censoring that varies across
New with the Stata 13.1 update, you can now estimate models with censored or interval-measured Gaussian outcomes
that also include Heckman-style selection, endogenous treatments to obtain average treatment effects (ATEs), covariate
measurement error, and unobserved components. You can include endogenous regressors in any part of the models. You
can also estimate these models in a panel-data or multilevel-data context with random effects (intercepts) and random
coefficients in any part or all parts of the model. All of these models can be estimated as parts of larger multivariate
systems. Censored or interval-measured outcomes can even participate in endogenous switching models.
Imagine we have data on incomes. These data are often top coded, or censored at an upper limit, to increase reporting
rates. If that limit were $150,000, we could estimate a regression model of income on education and age by typing
. tobit income education age, ul(150000)
(We might prefer log income, but for simplicity, we will use income here.)
All the new features are obtained using Stata 13’s generalized structural equation modeling command—gsem. The
equivalent gsem command is
. gsem income <- education age, family(gaussian, rcensored(150000))
We can introduce an endogenous covariate, say, weeks worked, by adding an equation for weeks with instruments
(z1 and z2) and a common unobserved component (UC) with identifying constraints specified using @:
. gsem (income <- education age weeks UC, family(gaussian, rcensored(150000)))
(weeks <- education age z1 z2 UC@1 , var(UC@1))
If we have panel data with repeated measurements on individuals (id), we can introduce a random effect (intercept) into
the income model by adding RE[id]:
. gsem (income <- education age weeks UC RE[id], family(gaussian, rcensored(150000)))
(weeks <- education age z1 z2 UC@1)
Continued on next page.
In the spotlight: New univariate time-series features added in 13.1
Stata 13.1 introduces four new features for univariate
time series:
1. IRFs (impulse–response functions) for ARIMA and
ARFIMA models
2. Parametric autocorrelation estimates from ARIMA
and ARFIMA models
3. A check of stability conditions for ARIMA models
4. Spectral density estimation from seasonal ARIMA
Individually, none of these features are earth shattering.
However, the first three are some of my go-to concepts
when teaching time-series analysis. Let’s use an example
to see why.
Here is a graph of changes in monthly U.S. civilian
unemployment rates for the period 1948–2011.
The AR parameters are statistically significant, and they
indicate a moderate degree of temporal dependence.
Inference after ARIMA requires that the ARMA
(autoregressive moving-average) process be covariance
stationary. The stationarity of an ARMA process depends
on the AR parameters. The inverse roots of the AR
polynomial must all lie inside the unit circle for the
process to be stationary. We use the new estat aroots
command to examine this requirement:
Handling Heckman-style selection in the gsem framework requires a bit of setup. See
stata.com/manuals13/semexample45g.pdf for an example using an uncensored outcome variable. For censored
outcomes, you merely need to add the suboption lcensored() or rcensored() to the family() option.
An endogenous treatment-effects example without censoring can be found at
stata.com/manuals13/semexample46g.pdf. Again just add lcensored() or rcensored() to family() if the outcome
is censored.
You can use either the commands shown above or Stata’s SEM Builder to create and estimate these models.
Stata 13.1 provides everything you could want with censored outcomes.
Read about the other new features provided by generalized SEM at stata.com/stata13/generalized-sem. There you
will find an overview of SEM and generalized SEM, links to videos, links to worked examples, and even the full PDF of
Stata 13’s Structural Equation Modeling Reference Manual.
We fit an ARIMA model with two autoregressive (AR)
terms, first-differencing, and no moving-average terms.
. estat aroots
Eigenvalue stability condition
| Eigenvalue | Modulus |
| .5844888 | .584489 |
| -.4957824 | .495782 |
All the eigenvalues lie inside the unit circle.
AR parameters satisfy stability condition.
The ARMA process appears to be stationary because both
inverse AR roots lie well inside the unit circle.
A crucial aspect of time-series processes are their
autocorrelations. The autocorrelations provide a scale-free
measure of the dependence structure of the process. We
can obtain a graph of this structure using the new estat
acplot command after estimating our ARIMA model:
. estat acplot, lags(10)
The graph shows that the autocorrelations decay
exponentially toward 0, which is typical of a stationary
AR process with positive coefficients.
We often want to know how an exogenous shock feeds
through our model and affects the series. This response,
measured over time, is called the impulse–response
function (IRF).
We create an IRF for our ARIMA model by typing
. irf create ar2, set(myirf)
and then graph that IRF by typing
. irf graph irf
The trajectory of the IRF shows that a positive shock
initially causes an increase in unemployment but that the
increase nears 0 by 5 months and completely dies out after
7 or 8 months.
You can see more examples of these new facilities
in the manuals. See arima postestimation
and arfima postestimation
- Rafal Raciborski
Senior Statistical Developer
New distribution functions
Stata 13.1 adds three new functions that compute
aspects of the noncentral chi-squared distribution:
nchi2den() density
nchi2tail() reverse cumulative
invnchi2tail() inverse of reverse cumulative
In the spotlight: Adding your own methods to analyze power and
sample size
Stata 13 added a suite of power commands to analyze power
and sample size. Stata 13.1 extends that suite to ANOVA.
In some cases, you may want to compute sample size or power
yourself. For example, you may need to do this by simulation,
or you may want to use a method that is not available in any
software package. power makes it easy for you to add your
own method. All you need to do is to write a program that
computes sample size, power, or effect size, and the power
command will do the rest for you. It will deal with the support
of multiple values in options and with automatic generation of
graphs and tables of results.
Suppose you want to add the method called mymethod to the
power command. Just follow these three steps:
1. Create a program that computes sample size, power, or
effect size and follows powers naming convention—
2. Store results following powers simple naming
conventions for results. For example, store the value of
power in r(power), the value of sample size in r(N), and
so on.
3. Place your program power_cmd_mymethod.ado where
Stata can find it.
To show how easy this all is, we’ll write an ado program to
compute power for a one-sample z test given sample size,
standardized difference, and significance level. For simplicity, we
assume a two-sided test.
We will call our new method myztest.
program power_cmd_myztest, rclass
version 13.1
// parse options
syntax , n(integer) /// sample size
STDDi(real) /// standardized di.
Alpha(string) /// signicance level
// compute power
tempname power
scalar `power’ = normal(`stddi’*sqrt(`n’) - ///
// return results
return scalar power = `power’
return scalar N = `n’
return scalar alpha = `alpha’
return scalar stddi = `stddi’
The computation in this program takes only one line,
but it could be as complicated as we like. It could
even involve simulation to compute the power.
With our program in hand, we can type
. power myztest, n(20) stddi(1) alpha(.05)
power will find our ado program, supply it with the
options n(20), stddiff(1), and alpha(.05), and use its
returned results to produce
. power myztest, n(20) stddi(1) alpha(.05)
Estimated power
Two-sided test
| alpha power N |
| .05 .994 20 |
That wasn’t too impressive. Our program did all the work.
But what if we supplied power with a list of sample
. power myztest, n(10 15 20 25) stddi(1)
Estimated power
Two-sided test
| alpha power N |
| .05 .8854 10 |
| .05 .9721 15 |
| .05 .994 20 |
| .05 .9988 25 |
power has taken our list of sample sizes and computed
powers for all of them—even though our program
could only compute a single power!
Moreover, we can use powers standard table() option
to control exactly how that table looks. power also
has hooks that let our program determine how the
columns are labeled and how the table appears.
We can supply both sample sizes and significance
levels and request a graph instead of a table:
. power myztest, n(10(1)20) alpha(.05 .10 .25) stddi(1) graph
We can even request that the graph show α on the x axis with separate plots for each sample size.
. power myztest, n(10(2)20) alpha(.05 .10 .25) stddi(1) graph(xdim(alpha))
Now all this may just make it worth writing more complicated programs to compute power for more complicated tests
and comparisons.
We had room here to do just a simple example. More details and extensions of this example are covered in my
presentation at the 2013 UK Stata Users Group meeting —
stata.com/meeting/uk13/abstracts/materials/uk13_marchenko.pdf. Complete documentation for user-
programmed power and sample size can be found in Stata 13.1 by typing help power userwritten.
- Yulia Marchenko
Director of Biostatistics
Stata 13 adds features and statistics for virtually every user in every field. Here are the highlights.
Treatment effects
You can now estimate the effect of treatments such as a new drug regimen, a surgical procedure, or a
training program using inverse-probability weights (IPW), propensity-score matching, doubly robust
methods, and other techniques. Your treatment can be binary, multilevel (for example, four dosages of the
same drug), or multivalued (for example, four different drugs).
Multilevel models and panel data
Need to handle binary, ordered, count, and categorical outcomes in panel or repeated-measures data? Stata’s extensive
multilevel and panel-data modeling facilities have been extended to include probit, negative binomial, ordered logistic,
ordered probit, and multinomial logistic—all with cluster–robust SEs.
Generalized SEM
Tired of just linear SEMs? Stata 13 adds multilevel nested and crossed models. We also add support
for binary, count, categorical, and ordered outcomes. With these new features, you can estimate a
dizzying array of models—multilevel CFA with ordinal measurements, multilevel mediation, item-
response theory (IRT) ... any multilevel SEM with generalized linear outcomes.
Power and sample size
Perform power and sample-size analyses from an integrated Control Panel. Get tables, graphs, or
both at the click of a button. Enter lists of known or possible values, and solve for power, sample
size, minimum detectable effect, or effect size.
Estimate any number of models—regressions, simultaneous systems, VARs, etc.—and produce time-series forecasts from
all the estimates. Create dynamic or static (one-step ahead) forecasts. Apply add factors and other adjustments, specify
identities, and compare alternative scenarios—even produce confidence intervals via stochastic simulation.
Long strings
Maximum string length increases from 244 characters to 2 billion! Stata also now handles binary large objects (BLOBs)
such as Word documents and JPEG images. These long strings work just as strings have always worked in Stata—all
functions and commands work with them.
Project Manager
Keep all of your files associated with a Stata project in one place. Filter on filename, and click
to open or run do-files, ado-files, datasets, raw files, graphs, etc. Create groups to categorize
files. Create any number of projects that pass seamlessly across all of your computers, even
across different operating systems.
And there are many more substantial additions, such as effect size, Poisson regression with endogenous regressors, probit
with sample selection, and import delimited with preview.
Upgrade now at stata.com/stata13.
Econometrics Winter School
using Stata
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
January 3–5, 2014
The Allied Social Science Association (ASSA) will
have its annual meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
from January 3–5. For more information, visit
Stata representatives, including David M. Drukker,
Director of Econometrics, will be on hand to answer
your questions on all things Stata. Stop by booth #405
to visit with the people who develop and support the
We’re interviewing at ASSA! Go to
stata.com/careers/assa14. Submit your completed
application before December 16, 2013, and let us know
that you would like to be considered for an interview at
the meetings.
Visit us at ASSA 2014
Timberlake (Portugal) and the Faculty of Economics at
the University of Porto are jointly organizing a set of
applied econometrics courses using Stata. The aim of these
courses is to familiarize the participants with the basic
econometric tools commonly used in applied research.
The courses include a quick discussion of the relevant
econometric theory as well as an in-depth discussion of
empirical applications using real data. The courses, taught
in English, will take place at FEP, University of Porto, on
January 21–24, 2014.
Available courses
Day 1: Data management and regression analysis (OLS, GLS)
Day 2: IV and panel-data models
Day 3: Discrete choice models
Day 4: Duration models
For more information or to register, visit Timberlake’s
website at www.timberlake.pt/landings/v9.
When July 31–August 1, 2014
Where Omni Parker House
60 School Street
Boston, Massachusetts
Conference Boston 2014
Come join us in historic Boston, home to Fenway Park
and the Harvard Museum of Natural History, for two
days of networking and Stata exploration. Don’t miss
this opportunity to connect with colleagues and fellow
researchers, as well as Stata developers.
Call for presentations
All users are encouraged to submit abstracts for possible
presentations, which can address any Stata-related topic,
including the following:
New user-written commands, including commands
for modeling and estimation, graphical analysis, data
management, or reporting
Use or evaluation of existing Stata commands
Methods for teaching statistics with Stata or teaching
the use of Stata
Case studies of Stata use in novel areas or applications
Surveys or critiques of Stata facilities in specific fields
Comparisons of Stata with other software or use of
Stata together with other software
Each user presentation should be either 15 or 25 minutes
long and should be followed by 5 minutes for questions.
Longer presentations will be considered at the discretion
of the scientific committee.
For submission guidelines, visit stata.com/boston14.
Submissions are due by February 21, 2014.
Scientific committee
Stephen Soldz (Chair)
Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis
Kit Baum
Boston College
Marcello Pagano
Harvard University
Whether you stay for the JSM or just to relax, be sure to
enjoy what Boston has to offer. Take a cruise in Boston
Harbor, walk the Freedom Trail, visit Fenway Park, and
have a bowl of “chowdah”. Boston is a great city with
plenty to do and see.
NetCourses are convenient web-based courses that teach
you how to exploit the full power of Stata.
Introduction to Survival Analysis
Using Stata
Intended for everyone who uses Stata to perform survival
analysis, whether health researchers or social scientists,
the course includes an introduction to concepts such
as censoring, truncation, hazard rates, and survival
functions. The remainder of the course focuses on the
analysis of survival data. Topics include data preparation,
descriptive statistics, life tables, Kaplan–Meier curves,
and semiparametric (Cox) regression and parametric
regression. Exercises are included to reinforce the course
material. Some familiarity with Stata is important, but no
prior knowledge of survival analysis is necessary.
Dates: January 17–March 7, 2014
Cost: $295
Public training courses
Public training courses are intensive, in-depth courses taught by StataCorp at a third-party site.
Using Stata Effectively: Data Management, Analysis, and Graphics Fundamentals
January 7–8, 2014, Washington, DC
Aimed at both new Stata users and those who wish to learn techniques for efficient day-to-day use of Stata, this course
enables you to use Stata in a reproducible manner, making collaborative changes and follow-up analyses much simpler.
Exercises will supplement the lectures and Stata examples.
Estimating Average Treatment Effects Using Stata
March 6–7, 2014, Washington, DC
This course discusses methods in Stata that use observational data to estimate average treatment effects and average
treatment effects on the treated. We will cover the conceptual and theoretical underpinnings of treatment effects as well
as many examples using Stata.
Structural Equation Modeling Using Stata
March 24–25, 2014, Washington, DC
Learn how to illustrate, specify, and estimate structural equation models in Stata using both Stata’s SEM Builder and the
sem command. The course introduces several types of models, including path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, full
structural equation models, and latent growth curves. Exercises supplement the lessons and Stata examples.
Multilevel/Mixed Models Using Stata
April 23–24, 2014, Washington, DC
Measure and account for clustering and grouping at multiple levels. Whether linear or nonlinear, multilevel modeling
allows for random intercepts and slopes at multiple levels, reducing the problems of too-much or too-little data
aggregation. The course is interactive, uses real data, offers ample opportunity for specific research questions, and provides
exercises to reinforce what you learn.
Find out more at stata.com/public-training.
Don’t forget our other courses!
Introduction to Stata
Dates: January 17–February 28, 2014
Cost: $95
Introduction to Stata Programming
Dates: January 17–February 28, 2014
Cost: $125
Advanced Stata Programming
Dates: January 17–March 7, 2014
Cost: $150
Introduction to Univariate Time Series Using Stata
Dates: January 17–March 7, 2014
Cost: $295
The dates above don’t work for you? No problem!
NetCourseNow allows you to set the schedule. Visit
More titles online!
The Stata Bookstore contains nearly 200 titles, all carefully
selected to meet the needs of our users. Check out the
Bookstore online at stata.com/bookstore.
New from the Stata Bookstore
Applied Logistic Regression, Third Edition
Authors: David W. Hosmer, Jr.,
Stanley Lemeshow,
and Rodney X.
Publisher: Wiley
Copyright: 2013
ISBN-13: 978-0-470-58247-3
Pages: 528; hardcover
Price: $94.75
The third edition of Applied Logistic Regression, by David
W. Hosmer, Jr., Stanley Lemeshow, and Rodney X.
Sturdivant, is the definitive reference on logistic regression
Most of the analyses in the book were performed using
Stata and can be replicated using Stata and the data from
the text. Also noteworthy is the book’s use of multinomial
fractional polynomial models that can be fit using Stata’s
mfp command.
Read more or order online at
Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis for
Epidemiology: A Practical Guide, Second
Author: Jos W. R. Twisk
Publisher: Cambridge University
Copyright: 2013
ISBN-13: 978-1-107-69992-2
Pages: 321; paperback
Price: $59.50
Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis for Epidemiology: A
Practical Guide, Second Edition, by Jos W. R. Twisk, provides
a practical introduction to the estimation techniques used
by epidemiologists for longitudinal data.
Read more or order online at
Econometric Analysis of Panel Data,
Fifth Edition
Author: Badi H. Baltagi
Publisher: Wiley
Copyright: 2013
ISBN-13: 978-1-118-67232-7
Pages: 390; paperback
Price: $59.75
Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Fifth Edition, by
Badi H. Baltagi, is a standard reference for performing
estimation and inference on panel datasets from an
econometric standpoint. This book provides a rigorous
introduction to standard panel estimators as well as concise
explanations of many newer, more advanced techniques.
Because of its wide range of topics and detailed
exposition, Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Fifth Edition,
can serve as both a graduate-level textbook and a handy
desk reference for seasoned researchers.
Read more or order online at
New from Stata Press
Discovering Structural Equation Modeling
Using Stata, Revised Edition
Author: Alan C. Acock
Copyright: 2013
ISBN-13: 978-1-59718-139-6
Pages: 306; paperback
Price: $48.00
Discovering Structural Equation Modeling Using Stata, Revised
Edition is an excellent resource both for those who are
new to SEM and for those who are familiar with SEM
but new to fitting these models in Stata. It is useful as a
text for courses covering SEM as well as for researchers
performing SEM.
The Revised Edition includes output, syntax, and
instructions for fitting models with the SEM Builder that
have been updated for Stata 13.
Read more or order online at
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