This booklet is issued by the California
Employment Development Department.
It contains general information about
your rights, responsibilities, and bene ts
under the California Unemployment
Insurance laws. The information is not
intended to cover all provisions of the
law. For speci c information regarding
your claim, contact the Employment
Development Department (EDD) by
accessing the EDD home page at
www.edd.ca.gov or call the telephone
numbers listed inside this handbook.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Cover + 43 Pages CU
Failure to follow the instructions in this handbook, make timely inquiries
when necessary, report as directed, fi le required documents in a timely
manner, or fi le claim forms as directed may result in delay or loss of your
unemployment benefi ts.
Do not rely on advice from friends or relatives. If you do not understand
something or have a problem with your claim, contact the Employment
Development Department (EDD), Unemployment Insurance (UI) offi ce.
Automated Self Service • English and Spanish
Benefi t Payment Information • Workforce Service Locations
CALL 1-866-333-4606
English 1-800-300-5616 Spanish 1-800-326-8937
Cantonese 1-800-547-3506 Mandarin 1-866-303-0706
Vietnamese 1-800-547-2058 TTY (Non-voice) 1-800-815-9387
Ask EDD, available on the website 24 hours a day, is a secure, private and
confi dential way to obtain information and ask questions about your claim
and Unemployment Insurance.
1. Go to the EDD website at www.edd.ca.gov.
2. Select “Unemployment.
3. Go to the top of the page and select “Contact EDD.
4. Under “Online,” select “Ask EDD.
5. Go to “Select a category” and use the drop down arrow.
6. From the Topics listed, select the one that most closely fi ts your question.
YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER - Enables the EDD to locate your records.
YOUR e-mail ADDRESS - Enables the EDD to respond promptly.
SPECIFIC INFORMATION - Enables the EDD to identify the issue and solution.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Inside Cover + 43 Pages
EDD Telephone Numbers and website ...........................................Inside Cover
Introduction .................................................................................................... 1
Notice of Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed, DE 1101CLMT .................... 2
Notice of Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed (Sample) .............................. 2
Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award, DE 429Z .................................... 3
Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award (Sample) ...................................... 4
Explanation of Items on the Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award ......... 4
How Your Benefi ts are Determined ................................................................. 5
Unemployment Insurance Benefi t Table .......................................................... 7
Cancelling a Claim ....................................................................................... 13
Waiting Period .............................................................................................. 13
Certifying for Unemployment Insurance Benefi ts .......................................... 13
Continued Claim Form (Sample), DE 4581 .................................................... 14
Explanation of Eligibility Questions Required for Certifi cation ...................... 15
How to Stop Certifying for Benefi ts ............................................................... 19
How to Resume Certifying for Benefi ts ......................................................... 19
Back of Continued Claim Form (Sample) ....................................................... 20
Completing the Back of the Continued Claim Form....................................... 20
Tips for Using EDD Web-Certifi cation (EDD Web-Cert
) .............................. 21
Tips for Using EDD Telephone-Certifi cation (EDD Tele-Cert
) ....................... 23
The EDD Debit Card
.................................................................................. 25
Unemployment Insurance Payments (Checks and the EDD Debit Card
...... 26
Unemployment Insurance Eligibility Requirements ....................................... 28
Penalties ....................................................................................................... 29
Overpayments .............................................................................................. 29
Appealing an Employment Development Department Notice ....................... 30
Requesting Copies of Your Unemployment Insurance Documents ................ 31
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) i + 43 Pages
Training and Other Special Programs
Alternate Base Period Program ..................................................................
California Training Benefi ts (CTB) .............................................................. 32
California Training Benefi ts Training Extension Claims ............................... 33
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program .............................................. 34
Federal-State Extended Benefi ts Program ................................................... 35
Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) ................................................ 35
Work Sharing (WS) .................................................................................... 35
Partial Claims ............................................................................................ 36
and Re-employment Services .................................................... 36
Other EDD Services
Workforce Services .................................................................................. 37
One-Stop Services .................................................................................... 37
Disability Insurance (DI) and Paid Family Leave (PFL) ................................ 38
Other Important Information
Child Support Intercept ............................................................................. 39
Fraud Prevention and Detection ................................................................ 39
Verifi cation of Right to Work ..................................................................... 39
Verifi cation of Social Security Number ...................................................... 40
Confi dentiality........................................................................................... 41
Privacy Act Statement ................................................................................ 41
Internet Claim Filing .................................................................................. 41
Other Internet Services .............................................................................. 41
Telephone Services .................................................................................... 42
Telephone Services for the Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and Speech-Disabled ....... 43
Federal Income Tax and Unemployment Insurance Benefi ts ...................... 43
1099G Information.................................................................................... 43
Voluntary Federal Income Tax Withholding .............................................. 43
Americans With Disabilities Statement .........................................Back Cover
Need help looking for a good job?
Your local Workforce Services provides services that can assist you in fi nding
employment. There are no fees for these services. Refer to the Other EDD Services
section of this handbook under Workforce Services.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) ii + 43 Pages
This booklet provides a general overview of the Unemployment Insurance (UI)
program. For specifi c information about your claim, contact the Employment
Development Department (EDD), online at the EDD home page or by
telephone at the toll-free numbers listed on the inside cover of this handbook.
The UI program provides fi nancial benefi ts for workers who are unemployed
through no fault of their own, are able to, available for, and actively seeking
work as instructed. Eligibility for receiving benefi ts is set by law. The EDD
administers these laws. You can fi nd California’s UI eligibility requirements in
the Unemployment Insurance Code.
In California, no deduction is made from the worker’s wages to fi nance UI
benefi ts. It is paid entirely by the employers.
Your claim is subject to periodic quality control and benefi t audit reviews.
There are severe administrative and/or criminal penalties imposed on
individuals found guilty of UI fraud. Claimants reporting false information to
obtain UI benefi ts may be subject to those penalties.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 1 of 43
EDD Telephone Numbers:
English 1-800-300-5616
Spanish 1-800-326-8937
Cantonese 1-800-547-3506
Mandarin 1-866-303-0706
Vietnamese 1-800-547-2058
TTY (non voice) 1-800-815-9387
EDD Call Center
PO Box
City CA Zip Code
Mail Date: 00/00/0000
SSN: 000-00-0000
Claimant Phone #:
(000) 000-0000
You filed a claim for Unemployment Insurance benefits effective 00/00/0000. When you filed your claim you
1. Your last employer was: Employer’s Name
Employer’s Address
City, State and ZIPCode
2. The last day you worked for that employer was 00/00/0000
3. The reason you are no longer working for the above employer is: (Reason given when you filed your claim).
4. You (are/are not) receiving a pension or other income.
5. You (are/are not) able and available to accept full time work.
6. You (have/do not have) the legal right to work in the United States.
Please check the above information carefully. EDD will consider this information correct unless you
report other information within (ten) 10 days from the mailing date of this notice. Any response after 10
days may result in delay of benefits. Remember to include your name and Social Security Number in all
correspondence with EDD. Mail your response to the EDD address above or you may call EDD.
Although federal and state laws prohibit the revealing of information about your employment and your
UI claim to your spouse, relatives, friends, non-interested parties, and private interest groups, federal
legislation requires that such information be made available to state and federal Welfare, Medical
Assistance, Food Stamps, Housing, and Child Support Enforcement agencies. Confidentiality is the
responsibility of all agencies using the information.
EDD Teleph
Spanish 1
TY (non
s effective 00
yer’s Name
and ZIPCode
d for that employer was 0
ger working for the
re not) receiving a pens
are not) able and availab
have) the l
When your UI claim is fi led, the Notice of Unemployment Insurance Claim
Filed is mailed to you with information you provided to fi le a claim for UI
benefi ts. If any of the information is not correct, contact the EDD within
10 days from the mailing date of the notice.
Notice of Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed (Sample)
DE 1101/CLMT/ Rev. 4 (2-07) Claimant Notice CU
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 2 of 43
When your UI claim is fi led, the Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award
is mailed to you. It provides information about when your claim begins and
ends, your weekly award, and the earnings upon which the claim is based. It
also gives instructions regarding your requirement to seek work. Each of the
numbered items on the award is explained on the following pages.
It is important to check the Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award
carefully to ensure that all employers you worked for in the calendar quarters
shown, (see item 12) are listed and the wages you earned are shown. If an
employer is listed and you did not work for him/her, or an employer is not
listed, or your wages are incorrect, contact the EDD immediately to protest the
accuracy of the computation. If you give false information or withhold facts to
receive benefi ts, you may be subject to disqualifi cation and criminal penalties.
If you worked for a federal agency, the EDD must request your wages from
that federal agency. You will receive a Notice of Amended Unemployment
Insurance Award when the federal wages are added. If the amended notice
is incorrect, you may request a reconsideration to protest the accuracy of the
computation or recomputation.
To protest the accuracy of the computation or recomputation, you must contact
the EDD within 20 days after the mailing date of the notice. The 20-day period
may be extended for good cause. If you need to contact the EDD you will need to
provide your full name, address, and Social Security number, along with any wage
and employment information you would like to change or add to your claim.
To contact the EDD immediately, see the inside cover of this handbook
for instructions. Go to Ask EDD” on the EDD website or call one of the
available toll-free numbers.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 3 of 43
EDD Call Center
PO Box
City CA Zip Code
Mail Date: 00/00/0000
SSN: 000-00-0000
EDD Telephone Numbers:
English 1-800-300-5616
Spanish 1-800-326-8937
Cantonese 1-800-547-3506
Mandarin 1-866-303-0706
Vietnamese 1-800-547-2058
TTY (non voice) 1-800-815-9387
Claimant's Name
Claimant's Address
City CA Zip Code
1. Claim Beginning Date: 00/00/0000
3. Maximum Benefit Amount: $0000
5. Total Wages: 00,000.00
2. Claim Ending Date: 00/00/0000
4. Weekly Benefit Amount: $000
6. Highest Quarter Earnings: 0,000.00
7. This item does not apply to your claim.
8. You must look for full time work each week. Please see your handbook, A Guide to Benefits and Employment
Services, DE 1275A, for more information about looking for work.
9. This item does not apply to your claim.
10. This Claim Award is calculated based on the Standard Base Period.
11. Employee Name 12. Employee Wages for the Quarter Ending: 13. Employer Name
Month/Year Month/Year Month/year
Claimant's Name
Claimant's Name
0,000 0,000
14. Totals:
0,000 0,000 0,000
EDD Telepho
English 1-
Spanish 1-8
Cantonese 1
Y (non
nt: $0000
es not apply to your claim
look for full time work e
DE 1275A, for more infor
t apply to yo
Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award (Sample)
1. Claim Beginning Date: Your claim begins on the Sunday of the week in which
you fi led your claim. It is not based on the date you became unemployed.
2. Claim Ending Date: This is the date your claim year ends. This date is 52 weeks
from the claim beginning date. Benefi ts remaining on this claim cannot be paid
for weeks claimed after the claim ending date. A new claim must be fi led if you
are still unemployed or partially unemployed after the claim ending date.
3. Maximum Benefi t Amount: The amount shown is your maximum UI
award for this claim. The maximum award is 26 times the weekly benefi t
DE 429Z Rev. 5 (3-12) CU
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 4 of 43
If your
amount or one-half of the total base period wages, whichever is less
(see item 5, for an explanation of the term base period). When you have
received your maximum award, no further benefi ts are payable. You
cannot fi le another California UI claim until your current claim year ends.
4. Weekly Benefi t Amount: This is the amount of your weekly benefi t.
It is the amount you will receive each week if you meet all eligibility
requirements (see item 6 for more information). If you work part time and
earn more than $25, but less than $100 in a week, your weekly benefi t
amount will be reduced by your earnings that are more than $25. In that
case, the portion of the weekly benefi t amount that you do not receive
remains in your claim for future use until your benefi t year ends. If your
weekly earnings are $101 or more, the fi rst 25 percent does not count.
The amount of earnings remaining is subtracted from your weekly benefi t
amount and you are paid the difference, if any.
5. Total Wages: This is the total amount of earnings reported by your
employer(s) during the base period. These earnings were used to compute
your maximum benefi t amount.
Your base period is a 12-month period of time.
There are two types of base periods that may be used to establish a claim: the
Standard Base Period and the Alternate Base Period. For more information
regarding the two types of base periods, see the following explanations.
Standard Base Period
The Standard Base Period is the FIRST four of the last fi ve completed calendar
quarters prior to the beginning date of the UI claim.
For information on what your STANDARD Base Period may be when you
le your claim, refer to the chart below. The shaded area represents the Base
Period. The non-shaded area represents the month when the claim is fi led.
Alternate Base Period
If you do not have suffi cient wages in the Standard Base Period to establish
a claim, the EDD will consider whether you qualify to fi le a claim using the
Alternate Base Period. The Alternate Base Period can ONLY be used to fi le a
UI claim when there are not enough wages earned in the Standard Base Period
to fi le a monetarily valid UI claim.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 5 of 43
The Alternate Base Period is the LAST four completed calendar quarters prior
to the beginning date of the claim.
For information on what your ALTERNATE Base Period* may be when you
le your claim, refer to the chart below. The shaded area represents the base
period. The non-shaded area represents the month when the claim is fi led.
*An Alternate Base Period claim can only be fi led when there are not enough
wages earned in the Standard Base Period to fi le a valid claim. For more
information about the Alternate Base Period program, refer to page 31.
To establish a monetarily valid claim, you must have earned at least (1) $1,300 in
one quarter of your base period, or (2) at least $900 in your highest quarter and
total base period earnings of 1.25 times your high quarter earnings.
Your claim is valid for one year. If there are benefi ts remaining, you cannot be paid
for those weeks as your claim will have expired. You must fi le a new claim.
A claim is invalid when there are not enough earnings to establish a claim or
when there was a prior claim and the work and earnings requirement to have a
later claim have not been met (see item 9).
NOTE: Under California law and federal law, wages that have already been
used to determine the amount of UI benefi ts payable on a claim cannot be
used again in the future to fi le another UI claim.
6. Highest Quarter Earnings: Your base period is divided into calendar quarters.
The quarter that you were paid the highest amount of wages determines your
weekly benefi t amount. An example of Notice of Unemployment Insurance
Award is shown below with earnings for each quarter:
Quarter Earnings Quarter Earnings
January, February,
$2,122.34 April, May, June $6,212.75
July, August,
October, November,
In this example, the weekly benefi t amount would be determined by the
October, November, December quarter because it has the highest earnings.
By using the benefi t table on the following pages, you can see that if the high
quarter earnings are $7,489.73, the weekly award is $289.
If your
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 6 of 43
Unemployment Insurance Benefi t Table
For New Claims With a Beginning Date of January 2, 2005, or After
$ 900.00 - 948.99 ...... $ 40
949.00 - 974.99 ...... 41
975.00 - 1,000.99 ...... 42
1,001.00 - 1,026.99 ...... 43
1,027.00 - 1,052.99 ...... 44
1,053.00 - 1,078.99 ...... 45
1,079.00 - 1,117.99 ...... 46
1,118.00 - 1,143.99 ...... 47
1,144.00 - 1,169.99 ...... 48
1,170.00 - 1,195.99 ...... 49
1,196.00 - 1,221.99 ...... 50
1,222.00 - 1,247.99 ...... 51
1,248.00 - 1,286.99 ...... 52
1,287.00 - 1,312.99 ...... 53
1,313.00 - 1,338.99 ...... 54
1,339.00 - 1,364.99 ...... 55
1,365.00 - 1,403.99 ...... 56
1,404.00 - 1,429.99 ...... 57
1,430.00 - 1,455.99 ...... 58
1,456.00 - 1,494.99 ...... 59
1,495.00 - 1,520.99 ...... 60
1,521.00 - 1,546.99 ...... 61
1,547.00 - 1,585.99 ...... 62
1,586.00 - 1,611.99 ...... 63
1,612.00 - 1,637.99 ...... 64
1,638.00 - 1,676.99 ...... 65
1,677.00 - 1,702.99 ...... 66
1,703.00 - 1,741.99 ...... 67
1,742.00 - 1,767.99 ...... 68
1,768.00 - 1,806.99 ...... 69
1,807.00 - 1,832.99 ...... 70
1,833.00 - 1,846.00 ...... 71
1,846.01 - 1,872.00 ...... 72
1,872.01 - 1,898.00 ...... 73
1,898.01 - 1,924.00 ...... 74
1,924.01 - 1,950.00 ...... 75
1,950.01 - 1,976.00 ...... 76
1,976.01 - 2,002.00 ...... 77
2,002.01 - 2,028.00 ...... 78
2,028.01 - 2,054.00 ...... 79
2,054.01 - 2,080.00 ...... 80
2,080.01 - 2,106.00 ...... 81
2,106.01 - 2,132.00 ...... 82
2,132.01 - 2,158.00 ...... 83
2,158.01 - 2,184.00 ...... 84
2,184.01 - 2,210.00 ...... 85
2,210.01 - 2,236.00 ...... 86
2,236.01 - 2,262.00 ...... 87
2,262.01 - 2,288.00 ...... 88
2,288.01 - 2,314.00 ...... 89
2,314.01 - 2,340.00 ...... 90
2,340.01 - 2,366.00 ...... 91
2,366.01 - 2,392.00 ...... 92
2,392.01 - 2,418.00 ...... 93
2,418.01 - 2,444.00 ...... 94
2,444.01 - 2,470.00 ...... 95
2,470.01 - 2,496.00 ...... 96
2,496.01 - 2,522.00 ...... 97
2,522.01 - 2,548.00 ...... 98
2,548.01 - 2,574.00 ...... 99
2,574.01 - 2,600.00 ...... 100
2,600.01 - 2,626.00 ...... 101
2,626.01 - 2,652.00 ...... 102
2,652.01 - 2,678.00 ...... 103
2,678.01 - 2,704.00 ...... 104
2,704.01 - 2,730.00 ...... 105
2,730.01 - 2,756.00 ...... 106
2,756.01 - 2,782.00 ...... 107
2,782.01 - 2,808.00 ...... 108
2,808.01 - 2,834.00 ...... 109
2,834.01 - 2,860.00 ...... 110
2,860.01 - 2,886.00 ...... 111
2,886.01 - 2,912.00 ...... 112
2,912.01 - 2,938.00 ...... 113
2,938.01 - 2,964.00 ...... 114
2,964.01 - 2,990.00 ...... 115
2,990.01 - 3,016.00 ...... 116
3,016.01 - 3,042.00 ...... 117
3,042.01 - 3,068.00 ...... 118
3,068.01 - 3,094.00 ...... 119
3,094.01 - 3,120.00 ...... 120
3,120.01 - 3,146.00 ...... 121
3,146.01 - 3,172.00 ...... 122
3,172.01 - 3,198.00 ...... 123
3,198.01 - 3,224.00 ...... 124
3,224.01 - 3,250.00 ...... 125
3,250.01 - 3,276.00 ...... 126
3,276.01 - 3,302.00 ...... 127
3,302.01 - 3,328.00 ...... 128
3,328.01 - 3,354.00 ...... 129
3,354.01 - 3,380.00 ...... 130
3,380.01 - 3,406.00 ...... 131
3,406.01 - 3,432.00 ...... 132
3,432.01 - 3,458.00 ...... 133
3,458.01 - 3,484.00 ...... 134
3,484.01 - 3,510.00 ...... 135
3,510.01 - 3,536.00 ...... 136
3,536.01 - 3,562.00 ...... 137
3,562.01 - 3,588.00 ...... 138
3,588.01 - 3,614.00 ...... 139
3,614.01 - 3,640.00 ...... 140
3,640.01 - 3,666.00 ...... 141
3,666.01 - 3,692.00 ...... 142
3,692.01 - 3,718.00 ...... 143
3,718.01 - 3,744.00 ...... 144
3,744.01 - 3,770.00 ...... 145
3,770.01 - 3,796.00 ...... 146
3,796.01 - 3,822.00 ...... 147
3,822.01 - 3,848.00 ...... 148
3,848.01 - 3,874.00 ...... 149
3,874.01 - 3,900.00 ...... 150
3,900.01 - 3,926.00 ...... 151
3,926.01 - 3,952.00 ...... 152
3,952.01 - 3,978.00 ...... 153
3,978.01 - 4,004.00 ...... 154
4,004.01 - 4,030.00 ...... 155
4,030.01 - 4,056.00 ...... 156
4,056.01 - 4,082.00 ...... 157
4,082.01 - 4,108.00 ...... 158
4,108.01 - 4,134.00 ...... 159
4,134.01 - 4,160.00 ...... 160
4,160.01 - 4,186.00 ...... 161
4,186.01 - 4,212.00 ...... 162
4,212.01 - 4,238.00 ...... 163
4,238.01 - 4,264.00 ...... 164
4,264.01 - 4,290.00 ...... 165
4,290.01 - 4,316.00 ...... 166
4,316.01 - 4,342.00 ...... 167
4,342.01 - 4,368.00 ...... 168
4,368.01 - 4,394.00 ...... 169
4,394.01 - 4,420.00 ...... 170
4,420.01 - 4,446.00 ...... 171
4,446.01 - 4,472.00 ...... 172
4,472.01 - 4,498.00 ...... 173
4,498.01 - 4,524.00 ...... 174
4,524.01 - 4,550.00 ...... 175
4,550.01 - 4,576.00 ...... 176
4,576.01 - 4,602.00 ...... 177
Amount of
Wages in
Highest Quarter
Amount of
Wages in
Highest Quarter
Benefi t
Benefi t
Benefi t
Amount of
Wages in
Highest Quarter
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 7 of 43
Unemployment Insurance Benefi t Table
For New Claims With a Beginning Date of January 2, 2005, or After
4,602.01 - 4,628.00 ...... 178
4,628.01 - 4,654.00 ...... 179
4,654.01 - 4,680.00 ...... 180
4,680.01 - 4,706.00 ...... 181
4,706.01 - 4,732.00 ...... 182
4,732.01 - 4,758.00 ...... 183
4,758.01 - 4,784.00 ...... 184
4,784.01 - 4,810.00 ...... 185
4,810.01 - 4,836.00 ...... 186
4,836.01 - 4,862.00 ...... 187
4,862.01 - 4,888.00 ...... 188
4,888.01 - 4,914.00 ...... 189
4,914.01 - 4,940.00 ...... 190
4,940.01 - 4,966.00 ...... 191
4,966.01 - 4,992.00 ...... 192
4,992.01 - 5,018.00 ...... 193
5,018.01 - 5,044.00 ...... 194
5,044.01 - 5,070.00 ...... 195
5,070.01 - 5,096.00 ...... 196
5,096.01 - 5,122.00 ...... 197
5,122.01 - 5,148.00 ...... 198
5,148.01 - 5,174.00 ...... 199
5,174.01 - 5,200.00 ...... 200
5,200.01 - 5,226.00 ...... 201
5,226.01 - 5,252.00 ...... 202
5,252.01 - 5,278.00 ...... 203
5,278.01 - 5,304.00 ...... 204
5,304.01 - 5,330.00 ...... 205
5,330.01 - 5,356.00 ...... 206
5,356.01 - 5,382.00 ...... 207
5,382.01 - 5,408.00 ...... 208
5,408.01 - 5,434.00 ...... 209
5,434.01 - 5,460.00 ...... 210
5,460.01 - 5,486.00 ...... 211
5,486.01 - 5,512.00 ...... 212
5,512.01 - 5,538.00 ...... 213
5,538.01 - 5,564.00 ...... 214
5,564.01 - 5,590.00 ...... 215
5,590.01 - 5,616.00 ...... 216
5,616.01 - 5,642.00 ...... 217
5,642.01 - 5,668.00 ...... 218
5,668.01 - 5,694.00 ...... 219
5,694.01 - 5,720.00 ...... 220
5,720.01 - 5,746.00 ...... 221
5,746.01 - 5,772.00 ...... 222
5,772.01 - 5,798.00 ...... 223
5,798.01 - 5,824.00 ...... 224
5,824.01 - 5,850.00 ...... 225
5,850.01 - 5,876.00 ...... 226
5,876.01 - 5,902.00 ...... 227
5,902.01 - 5,928.00 ...... 228
5,928.01 - 5,954.00 ...... 229
5,954.01 - 5,980.00 ...... 230
5,980.01 - 6,006.00 ...... 231
6,006.01 - 6,032.00 ...... 232
6,032.01 - 6,058.00 ...... 233
6,058.01 - 6,084.00 ...... 234
6,084.01 - 6,110.00 ...... 235
6,110.01 - 6,136.00 ...... 236
6,136.01 - 6,162.00 ...... 237
6,162.01 - 6,188.00 ...... 238
6,188.01 - 6,214.00 ...... 239
6,214.01 - 6,240.00 ...... 240
6,240.01 - 6,266.00 ...... 241
6,266.01 - 6,292.00 ...... 242
6,292.01 - 6,318.00 ...... 243
6,318.01 - 6,344.00 ...... 244
6,344.01 - 6,370.00 ...... 245
6,370.01 - 6,396.00 ...... 246
6,396.01 - 6,422.00 ...... 247
6,422.01 - 6,448.00 ...... 248
6,448.01 - 6,474.00 ...... 249
6,474.01 - 6,500.00 ...... 250
6,500.01 - 6,526.00 ...... 251
6,526.01 - 6,552.00 ...... 252
6,552.01 - 6,578.00 ...... 253
6,578.01 - 6,604.00 ...... 254
6,604.01 - 6,630.00 ...... 255
6,630.01 - 6,656.00 ...... 256
6,656.01 - 6,682.00 ...... 257
6,682.01 - 6,708.00 ...... 258
6,708.01 - 6,734.00 ...... 259
6,734.01 - 6,760.00 ...... 260
6,760.01 - 6,786.00 ...... 261
6,786.01 - 6,812.00 ...... 262
6,812.01 - 6,838.00 ...... 263
6,838.01 - 6,864.00 ...... 264
6,864.01 - 6,890.00 ...... 265
6,890.01 - 6,916.00 ...... 266
6,916.01 - 6,942.00 ...... 267
6,942.01 - 6,968.00 ...... 268
6,968.01 - 6,994.00 ...... 269
6,994.01 - 7,020.00 ...... 270
7,020.01 - 7,046.00 ...... 271
7,046.01 - 7,072.00 ...... 272
7,072.01 - 7,098.00 ...... 273
7,098.01 - 7,124.00 ...... 274
7,124.01 - 7,150.00 ...... 275
7,150.01 - 7,176.00 ...... 276
7,176.01 - 7,202.00 ...... 277
7,202.01 - 7,228.00 ...... 278
7,228.01 - 7,254.00 ...... 279
7,254.01 - 7,280.00 ...... 280
7,280.01 - 7,306.00 ...... 281
7,306.01 - 7,332.00 ...... 282
7,332.01 - 7,358.00 ...... 283
7,358.01 - 7,384.00 ...... 284
7,384.01 - 7,410.00 ...... 285
7,410.01 - 7,436.00 ...... 286
7,436.01 - 7,462.00 ...... 287
7,462.01 - 7,488.00 ...... 288
7,488.01 - 7,514.00 ...... 289
7,514.01 - 7,540.00 ...... 290
7,540.01 - 7,566.00 ...... 291
7,566.01 - 7,592.00 ...... 292
7,592.01 - 7,618.00 ...... 293
7,618.01 - 7,644.00 ...... 294
7,644.01 - 7,670.00 ...... 295
7,670.01 - 7,696.00 ...... 296
7,696.01 - 7,722.00 ...... 297
7,722.01 - 7,748.00 ...... 298
7,748.01 - 7,774.00 ...... 299
7,774.01 - 7,800.00 ...... 300
7,800.01 - 7,826.00 ...... 301
7,826.01 - 7,852.00 ...... 302
7,852.01 - 7,878.00 ...... 303
7,878.01 - 7,904.00 ...... 304
7,904.01 - 7,930.00 ...... 305
7,930.01 - 7,956.00 ...... 306
7,956.01 - 7,982.00 ...... 307
7,982.01 - 8,008.00 ...... 308
8,008.01 - 8,034.00 ...... 309
8,034.01 - 8,060.00 ...... 310
8,060.01 - 8,086.00 ...... 311
8,086.01 - 8,112.00 ...... 312
8,112.01 - 8,138.00 ...... 313
8,138.01 - 8,164.00 ...... 314
8,164.01 - 8,190.00 ...... 315
Amount of
Wages in
Highest Quarter
Amount of
Wages in
Highest Quarter
Benefi t
Benefi t
Benefi t
Amount of
Wages in
Highest Quarter
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 8 of 43
Unemployment Insurance Benefi t Table
For New Claims With a Beginning Date of January 2, 2005, or After
10,582.01 - 10,608.00 ..... 408
10,608.01 - 10,634.00 ..... 409
10,634.01 - 10,660.00 ..... 410
10,660.01 - 10,686.00 ..... 411
10,686.01 - 10,712.00 ..... 412
10,712.01 - 10,738.00 ..... 413
10,738.01 - 10,764.00 ..... 414
10,764.01 - 10,790.00 ..... 415
10,790.01 - 10,816.00 ..... 416
10,816.01 - 10,842.00 ..... 417
10,842.01 - 10,868.00 ..... 418
10,868.01 - 10,894.00 ..... 419
10,894.01 - 10,920.00 ..... 420
10,920.01 - 10,946.00 ..... 421
10,946.01 - 10,972.00 ..... 422
10,972.01 - 10,998.00 ..... 423
10,998.01 - 11,024.00 ..... 424
11,024.01 - 11,050.00 ..... 425
11,050.01 - 11,076.00 ..... 426
11,076.01 - 11,102.00 ..... 427
11,102.01 - 11,128.00 ..... 428
11,128.01 - 11,154.00 ..... 429
11,154.01 - 11,180.00 ..... 430
11,180.01 - 11,206.00 ..... 431
11,206.01 - 11,232.00 ..... 432
11,232.01 - 11,258.00 ..... 433
11,258.01 - 11,284.00 ..... 434
11,284.01 - 11,310.00 ..... 435
11,310.01 - 11,336.00 ..... 436
11,336.01 - 11,362.00 ..... 437
11,362.01 - 11,388.00 ..... 438
11,388.01 - 11,414.00 ..... 439
11,414.01 - 11,440.00 ..... 440
11,440.01 - 11,466.00 ..... 441
11,466.01 - 11,492.00 ..... 442
11,492.01 - 11,518.00 ..... 443
11,518.01 - 11,544.00 ..... 444
11,544.01 - 11,570.00 ..... 445
11,570.01 - 11,596.00 ..... 446
11,596.01 - 11,622.00 ..... 447
11,622.01 - 11,648.00 ..... 448
11,648.01 - 11,674.00 ..... 449
11,674.01 and over .......... 450
8,190.01 - 8,216.00 ...... 316
8,216.01 - 8,242.00 ...... 317
8,242.01 - 8,268.00 ...... 318
8,268.01 - 8,294.00 ...... 319
8,294.01 - 8,320.00 ...... 320
8,320.01 - 8,346.00 ...... 321
8,346.01 - 8,372.00 ...... 322
8,372.01 - 8,398.00 ...... 323
8,398.01 - 8,424.00 ...... 324
8,424.01 - 8,450.00 ...... 325
8,450.01 - 8,476.00 ...... 326
8,476.01 - 8,502.00 ...... 327
8,502.01 - 8,528.00 ...... 328
8,528.01 - 8,554.00 ...... 329
8,554.01 - 8,580.00 ...... 330
8,580.01 - 8,606.00 ...... 331
8,606.01 - 8,632.00 ...... 332
8,632.01 - 8,658.00 ...... 333
8,658.01 - 8,684.00 ...... 334
8,684.01 - 8,710.00 ...... 335
8,710.01 - 8,736.00 ...... 336
8,736.01 - 8,762.00 ...... 337
8,762.01 - 8,788.00 ...... 338
8,788.01 - 8,814.00 ...... 339
8,814.01 - 8,840.00 ...... 340
8,840.01 - 8,866.00 ...... 341
8,866.01 - 8,892.00 ...... 342
8,892.01 - 8,918.00 ...... 343
8,918.01 - 8,944.00 ...... 344
8,944.01 - 8,970.00 ...... 345
8,970.01 - 8,996.00 ...... 346
8,996.01 - 9,022.00 ...... 347
9,022.01 - 9,048.00 ...... 348
9,048.01 - 9,074.00 ...... 349
9,074.01 - 9,100.00 ...... 350
9,100.01 - 9,126.00 ...... 351
9,126.01 - 9,152.00 ...... 352
9,152.01 - 9,178.00 ...... 353
9,178.01 - 9,204.00 ...... 354
9,204.01 - 9,230.00 ...... 355
9,230.01 - 9,256.00 ...... 356
9,256.01 - 9,282.00 ...... 357
9,282.01 - 9,308.00 ...... 358
9,308.01 - 9,334.00 ...... 359
9,334.01 - 9,360.00 ...... 360
9,360.01 - 9,386.00 ...... 361
9,386.01 - 9,412.00 .... 362
9,412.01 - 9,438.00 .... 363
9,438.01 - 9,464.00 .... 364
9,464.01 - 9,490.00 .... 365
9,490.01 - 9,516.00 .... 366
9,516.01 - 9,542.00 .... 367
9,542.01 - 9,568.00 .... 368
9,568.01 - 9,594.00 .... 369
9,594.01 - 9,620.00 .... 370
9,620.01 - 9,646.00 .... 371
9,646.01 - 9,672.00 .... 372
9,672.01 - 9,698.00 .... 373
9,698.01 - 9,724.00 .... 374
9,724.01 - 9,750.00 .... 375
9,750.01 - 9,776.00 .... 376
9,776.01 - 9,802.00 .... 377
9,802.01 - 9,828.00 .... 378
9,828.01 - 9,854.00 .... 379
9,854.01 - 9,880.00 .... 380
9,880.01 - 9,906.00 .... 381
9,906.01 - 9,932.00 .... 382
9,932.01 - 9,958.00 .... 383
9,958.01 - 9,984.00 .... 384
9,984.01 - 10,010.00 ..... 385
10,010.01 - 10,036.00 ..... 386
10,036.01 - 10,062.00 ..... 387
10,062.01 - 10,088.00 ..... 388
10,088.01 - 10,114.00 ..... 389
10,114.01 - 10,140.00 ..... 390
10,140.01 - 10,166.00 ..... 391
10,166.01 - 10,192.00 ..... 392
10,192.01 - 10,218.00 ..... 393
10,218.01 - 10,244.00 ..... 394
10,244.01 - 10,270.00 ..... 395
10,270.01 - 10,296.00 ..... 396
10,296.01 - 10,322.00 ..... 397
10,322.01 - 10,348.00 ..... 398
10,348.01 - 10,374.00 ..... 399
10,374.01 - 10,400.00 ..... 400
10,400.01 - 10,426.00 ..... 401
10,426.01 - 10,452.00 ..... 402
10,452.01 - 10,478.00 ..... 403
10,478.01 - 10,504.00 ..... 404
10,504.01 - 10,530.00 ..... 405
10,530.01 - 10,556.00 ..... 406
10,556.01 - 10,582.00 ..... 407
Amount of
Wages in
Highest Quarter
Amount of
Wages in
Highest Quarter
Benefi t
Benefi t
Benefi t
Amount of
Wages in
Highest Quarter
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 9 of 43
Items 7, 8, and 9 contain additional requirements, which affect some claims.
If the statement this item does not apply to your claim appears, that
requirement or condition does not affect your claim.
7. School Employee Wage: During a school recess you may not be able to
receive benefi ts based on wages you have earned from a public school
employer (e.g., K-12, community college, etc.), a nonprofi t educational
employer (private school, college, etc.); or any nonprofi t or public entity
that provides services to or on behalf of a public or nonprofi t educational
employer. If you have enough non-educational wages in the base period of
your claim to establish a valid claim, you may be able to receive benefi ts
based on these wages during a recess period.
When an award displays in this item, it means that in the base period of
your claim there are wages that have been identifi ed as being earned from
both educational and non-educational employers. An award will ONLY
display in this section if there are enough non-educational wages in the
base period to establish a valid claim. (Refer to page 6 to determine what
establishes a valid claim.) If this situation does not apply to you, it will
state “This item does not apply to your claim.
8. Work Search Requirements: To be eligible for UI benefi ts, you must
conduct a reasonable effort to search for suitable work. We advise you to
keep a record of your work search dates and employer contact information
for future use and potential eligibility interviews. Below are some tips for
looking for work.
The kind of work you are looking for, whether full time or part time, will
determine how you look for work. Some jobs require a résumé while other jobs
require an in-person visit and an application. Tips for looking for work include:
Register with the EDD Workforce Services, CalJOBS
Respond to want-ads in the newspaper.
Access the Internet for websites for prospective employers, résumé
building, and work searches.
Contact prior employers.
Tell friends and relatives that you are looking for work.
Check trade books for your occupation.
• Send résumés.
Register with placement facilities of a school, college, university,
or professional organization.
Contact employers who may have jobs in your fi eld.
Your individual instructions for conducting a work search are shown here.
Your instructions will be one of the following:
You must look for full-time work each week.
This means you are required to look for full-time work each week to remain
eligible for UI benefi ts. Even if you fi nd part-time work, you still must continue to
look for full-time work while you are working part time and collecting UI benefi ts.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 10 of 43
You must look for part-time work each week as instructed by the EDD.
This means you are required to look for part-time work each week as
instructed by the EDD to remain eligible for UI benefi ts. You must also be
able to work and available for part-time work each week as instructed by
the EDD.
You must register with your union and look for full-time work each week.
This means that you are required to follow your union’s requirements for
registering as out of work and you must also look for full-time work on
your own to remain eligible for UI benefi ts.
You must register with your union and look for part-time work each
week as instructed by the EDD.
This means that you are required to follow your union’s requirements for
registering as out of work and you must also look for part-time work on
your own as instructed by the EDD to remain eligible for UI benefi ts.
You must register with your union and meet all union reporting
requirements and dispatch contacts.
Since your union controls hiring in your occupation, you must meet all
union requirements for dispatch. If you are not in good standing with your
union, you may not be eligible for UI benefi ts.
You must be able to work and available for work each week.
This means that you are not required to look for work, but you must be able
to work and available for work each week to be eligible for UI benefi ts.
This item does not apply to your claim.
You are certifying for benefi ts under a special program that does not
require a search for work, such as Work Share.
If you live outside of California or move outside of California while
receiving California Unemployment Insurance benefi ts, you must register
with the State Workforce Agency in your state and follow that state's
requirements and instructions for unemployment work search. Failure to
contact the State Workforce Agency promptly, in order to comply with
the registration and work search requirements of that state, could result
in a delay or loss of your benefi ts.
9. Requalifi cation Requirements: To requalify for a subsequent new claim,
you must have worked and earned at least (1) $1,300 in one quarter, or (2)
at least $900 in your highest quarter and a total of 1.25 times your high
quarter earnings during the benefi t year of your original claim. (In some
cases, Workers’ Compensation or Disability Insurance benefi ts may be
used in place of earnings.)
NOTE: Under California law and federal law, wages that have already
been used to determine the amount of UI benefi ts payable on a claim
cannot be used again in the future to fi le another UI claim.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 11 of 43
10. Type of Base Period: This is the type of base period used to establish your
claim. There are two types of base periods: the Standard Base Period and the
Alternative Base Period. The Alternative base Period can only be used if you do
not have suffi cient wages in the Standard Base Period to establish a valid UI
claim. For more information about the base period, refer to item 5 on page 5.
11. Employee’s Name(s): This is the name your employer used to report your
earnings to EDD. Do not be concerned about minor misspellings in your
name as long as the earnings shown are yours.
12. Employee’s Wages for the Calendar Quarter Ending: These are the four
quarters in your base period and the wages your employer(s) reported you
earned in each of the quarters. These earnings determine the amount of
your UI award. If you told the EDD that you worked for a federal agency
or in another state when you fi led your claim, your wages are being
requested from that agency or state. You will receive an amended notice
when the federal wages or other state’s wages have been added.
If you worked in more than one state, you may be able to combine the
wages you earned during your base period into a combined wage claim.
Combining these wages could increase your maximum and/or your weekly
benefi t amount. If you did not tell the EDD at the time you fi led your claim
that you worked in more than one state, call the EDD immediately. See the
inside cover of this handbook for instructions.
If you believe the earnings shown are incorrect or are not your wages,
contact the EDD IMMEDIATELY and request a correction. If you give false
information or withhold facts to receive benefi ts you may be subject to
disqualifi cation and criminal penalties.
13. Employer Name: This is the name(s) of the employer(s) who reported the
quarterly wages shown (see item 12). If you did not work for an employer
shown, or if you worked for an employer(s) that is not shown, call the EDD
immediately and request a correction.
14. Totals: This is the total amount of earnings reported by your employer(s) in
each calendar quarter listed in item 12.
To protest the accuracy of the computation or recomputation you must
contact the EDD within 20 days after the mail date of the notice. The
20-day period may be extended for good cause. If you need to contact the
EDD, you will need to provide your full name, address, Social Security
number, and any wage and employment information you are requesting to
add to your claim.
Employment information includes the employer’s name and complete
mailing address. If you do not have the employer’s complete information,
you may be asked to contact the EDD again when you have all the
information available.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 12 of 43
You have an option of cancelling a regular California UI claim after you have
been mailed your Unemployment Insurance Award notice. You can only
cancel a UI claim if no benefi ts have been paid, no notice of disqualifi cation
has been mailed to you, and/or no overpayment has been established on the
claim. If a claim is cancelled, that claim cannot be reopened, but you can fi le
a new claim with a later date. If the original claim is not cancelled, another
California claim cannot be fi led for 52 weeks. If you have questions regarding
claim cancellation or want to cancel your claim, contact the EDD.
California law requires every person to serve a one week UNPAID waiting
period. There is only one waiting period required during each 52 week claim
year. The waiting week is usually the fi rst otherwise payable week in your benefi t
year (otherwise payable means you would have been eligible for payment in
every way but for the waiting period requirement).
In order to serve a waiting period, you must certify for benefi ts using one of
the following methods:
• EDD Web-Cert
(go to page 21) - EDD Tele-Cert
(go to page 23)
Submit a paper Continued Claim Form, DE 4581CTO
1. If you received benefi ts the last week of the benefi t year of your claim
and you fi led a subsequent claim starting the following week, the
waiting period for the subsequent claim will be taken after the fi rst break
in payment status on the new claim.
2. You may receive waiting period credit for your new claim on the last
week of your prior claim if:
• All benefi ts were previously paid on your prior claim, and
• You le the new claim within the last week of the prior claim, and
You are otherwise eligible for benefi ts for the last week of the old claim.
Your notice of UI award was mailed with this booklet. Your fi rst Continued Claim
Form is mailed separately. If you do not receive the claim form within 10 days
of fi ling your claim, contact the EDD and request a duplicate. You may also
certify for the benefi ts online by accessing the EDD website at www.edd.ca.gov,
using EDD Web-Cert
, or by calling the self-service number at 1-866-333-4606
EDD Tele-Cert
. Failure to certify timely for benefi ts, using any one of the
available methods, may affect your eligibility for those weeks.
Complete and mail the paper Continued Claim Form, or certify for benefi ts
using EDD Web-Cert
EDD Tele-Cert
, on the date shown on the front of
the claim form. Certifying for benefi ts more than 14 days after the last week
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 13 of 43
ending date of the certifying period or 14 days after your last payment date,
whichever is later, may cause you to lose your benefi ts. If you choose to certify
for benefi ts using the paper Continued Claim Form you must sign your name
and answer all the questions in order to receive payment. When you certify
for benefi ts using EDD Web-Cert
EDD Tele-Cert
, confi rmation of your
responses during the process is legally considered an electronic signature.
The EDD uses an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) machine in its
payment system. The OCR machine reads numbers, scans the marks on your
claim form, and issues your UI payment. The OCR machine only reads clearly
printed numbers. An example of how to fi ll in the blocks and write your
numbers is on the back of every claim form. If the OCR machine cannot read
your form, another Continued Claim Form for the same week(s) will be mailed
to you to complete. Do not staple the Continued Claim Form or include any
other mail in the claim form envelope.
Continued Claim Form (Sample)
If you choose to mail in the paper Continued Claim Form and do
not provide an answer to Questions 1 through 6, and leave any
of those blocks blank, another claim form will be mailed to you
for completion. This will delay your payment. The EDD Web-
EDD Tele-Cert
automation methods will not allow an
incomplete answer when certifying for benefi ts.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 14 of 43
1. Were you too sick or injured to work? - You must be well enough to work
every day of the week to receive full benefi ts. If you are unable to work
because of illness or injury, you must report the number of days that you
could not work. Unemployment benefi ts are paid according to the number
of days you are able to work if work had been offered to you during this
week. Your benefi ts are reduced one-seventh for each day you cannot work.
2. Was there any reason (other than sickness or injury) that you could not
have accepted full-time or part-time work each workday? - You must
be available for work to receive unemployment benefi ts. Available for
work means you are ready and willing to accept work that matches your
occupational skills and educational background. Examples of reasons a
person is not immediately available to accept work during a week is lack
of child care, lack of transportation or involvement with personal affairs,
such as being on vacation or taking care of someone who is ill. If you are
not available for work, you will be scheduled for a telephone interview to
determine your continued eligibility for benefi ts.
3. Did you look for work? - You must follow the work search requirements
on your Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award. Work searches may
include in-person, mail, telephone, or Internet contacts with employers.
Failure to follow the instructions may result in loss of benefi ts for the week.
Union members should answer “yes” to this question if you meet your
union’s reporting and dispatch requirements.
If you live outside of California or move outside of California while
receiving California Unemployment Insurance benefi ts, you must register
with the State Workforce Agency in your state and follow that state's
requirements and instructions for unemployment work search. Failure to
contact the State Workforce Agency promptly, in order to comply with
the registration and work search requirements of that state, could result
in a delay or loss of your benefi ts.
If the block under Question 3 on the paper Continued Claim Form is
marked with an "X,” you must list your job contacts in Section B on the
back of the form and submit it to the EDD for payment. See Continued
Claim Form sample on back of form on page 20.
You will not be able to certify for benefi ts using EDD Web-Cert
if the block under Question 3 is checked and a list of job
contacts is required.
4. Did you refuse any work? - Answer “yes” if you refused an offer of
work from any employer. Union members answer “yes” if you refused a
union referral to a job. If you refused work, you will be scheduled for an
interview to determine your continued eligibility for benefi ts.
5. Did you begin attending any kind of school or training? - Answer “yes”
only if you began attending school or training in that week. Afterwards,
answer “yes” only when a new term begins or you start new classes during
one of the weeks. Since attendance in school or training may affect your
eligibility for benefi ts, an interview will be scheduled to determine your
continued eligibility.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 15 of 43
6. Did you work or earn any money, WHETHER YOU WERE PAID OR
NOT? - Look at the date each week begins and ends. Be careful that your
answers in 6a and 6b apply only to the weeks shown on the form. Answer
“yes” if you performed any work during a week. All work and/or earnings
must be reported, including the receipt of the following types of payments:
NOTE: EDD Web-Cert
EDD Tele-Cert
are not available if you have
performed work and/or earned wages during any week of the certifying
period. You must complete and submit a paper Continued Claim Form to
report work and/or wages as required. Failure to report work and wages
may subject you to fi nes and penalties if you are overpaid benefi ts.
If you start receiving any new or additional income or there is a change
in the amount of your previously reported Temporary Total Disability,
Vocational Rehabilitation Maintenance Allowance, or deductible
pension, report the new amount on your claim form in the fi rst week the
change occurs. The EDD deducts Temporary Total Disability, Vocational
Rehabilitation Maintenance Allowance, or deductible pensions dollar-for-
dollar from your weekly benefi t amount.
If you answered “yes,” enter your earnings before taxes (gross earnings
prior to payroll deductions) in item a. To determine how much you earned,
multiply the number of hours you worked that week times your hourly rate
of pay. Include all other payments you have received in that amount.
• Example: You worked 5 hours on Sunday, 4 hours on Tuesday, and 3 hours
on Friday that week and your hourly rate of pay is $10. 12 hours X $10 per
hour = $120. $120 is the earnings amount you would post in item 6a.
If you are unsure how to compute your gross earnings, contact the
EDD for assistance. It is always a good idea to keep your pay stubs to
assist you in determining your earnings.
If you misreport your earnings, contact the EDD immediately as you
may be subject to fi nes and penalties if you are overpaid benefi ts.
If you receive residual pay or holding pay, you must report receipt of
this income on your Continued Claim Form. To ensure proper reporting
of your earnings, obtain and review the form, Instructions to Claimants
for Reporting Residual Payments and Holding Fees, DE 4005. On the
website www.edd.ca.gov, select “Unemployment,” then the “Forms and
Publications” tab above, or call the EDD.
Back Pay Award
Holiday Pay
Idle Time Pay
In Lieu of Notice
Jury Fees
Paid Sick Leave
Piece Work
Residual Pay/Holding Fees
Severance Pay
Strike Benefi ts
Vacation Pay
Witness Fees
Workers’ Compensation
You must report lodging and meals, or any other payment you receive instead of money
when you work. If you are unsure about how to report wages, contact the EDD.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 16 of 43
If you receive pay for piece work, report the total amount paid in the
week it was earned. Include the words “piece work” in item 6b along
with the employer’s name.
NOTE: Item a. Only allows for an entry of up to $999.99. If your
earnings are $1,000 or more in a week, enter 999.99. Failure to make
the correct entry may delay your benefi ts. If you work for more than one
employer each week, combine all your earnings.
NOTE: Item b. Enter the last day worked and employment information
or “source” of earnings. Look at the date each week begins and ends.
Be careful that your answers in 6b apply only to the weeks shown on
the form. If you are still working, write an explanation such as still
working full time or still working part time or still working on call.
If you worked for more than one employer during the same week, be
sure and list the last day you physically worked during the week and list
the name and address of the last employer you worked for during the
week. When you report still working full time, you will not be mailed
a subsequent claim form. If you become unemployed or your hours
are reduced, you will need to reopen your claim. See “How to Resume
Certifying for Benefi ts” on page 19.
If you are working part time, you still may be able to receive reduced UI
benefi ts even if your earnings are higher than your weekly benefi t amount.
Report your total earnings before deductions and the EDD will fi gure the
amount to deduct.
If your weekly earnings are $100 or less, the fi rst $25 dollars does not
count. The amount of earnings more than $25 is subtracted from your
weekly benefi t amount and you are paid the difference, if any.
If your weekly earnings are $101 or more, the fi rst 25 percent does
not count. The amount of earnings remaining is subtracted from your
weekly benefi t amount and you are paid the difference, if any.
If you receive Temporary Total Disability or Vocational Rehabilitation
Maintenance Allowance, the EDD deducts the amount dollar-for-dollar
from your weekly benefi t amount.
If you receive a pension that the EDD determines is deductible, the EDD
deducts the amount dollar-for-dollar from your weekly benefi t amount WBA.
NOTE: The EDD has a fraud detection system. If you do not report
all earnings for a week that you worked, and you received benefi ts,
you will be investigated. If the EDD determines that you were at
fault for not reporting your earnings, you will be required to repay
any benefi ts overpaid and you could face administrative and/or
criminal penalties and interest.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 17 of 43
7. If you want federal income tax withheld for the week(s) shown above,
mark this block. If you want Federal Income Tax withheld for the weeks
shown on your claim form, fi ll in the answer block on that claim form. If
you do not want taxes withheld, leave the answer block blank.
If you certify for benefi ts using EDD Web-Cert
EDD Tele-Cert
, both
methods will prompt you to answer whether or not you want federal
income tax withheld for the weeks you are certifying. Your choice
for federal income tax withholdings remains in effect until your next
certifi cation period.
For more information, see the Voluntary Federal Income Tax Withholding
section on page 43.
8. If you had a change of mailing address or phone number, mark this block
and complete Section D on the reverse. - You must report a change of
mailing address to avoid delay in receiving your benefi t payments. To report
a change of mailing address or telephone number, mark the block and print
your new address (including ZIP code) or telephone number (including area
code) in Section D on the back of the Continued Claim Form.
You will not be able to certify for UI benefi ts using EDD Web-Cert
EDD Tele-Cert
if you are reporting a change in address or phone number.
You must complete and mail in your paper Continued Claim Form.
If you move to another state and still want to claim benefi ts, call
1-800-300-5616 for instructions. Failure to contact the offi ce
promptly could result in a delay or loss of your benefi ts.
If you live outside of California or move outside of California while
receiving California Unemployment Insurance benefi ts, you must register
with the State Workforce Agency in your state and follow that state's
requirements and instructions for unemployment work search. Failure to
contact the State Workforce Agency promptly, in order to comply with the
registration and work search requirements of that state, could result in a
delay or loss of your benefi ts.
For information on the State Workforce Agency in your state, you can call
the Toll-Free Help Line at 1-877-US-2JOBS (1-877-872-5627) or visit the
America's Workforce Network website at
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 18 of 43
The lower portion of your Continued Claim Form contains the following
“I understand the questions on this form. I know the law provides
penalties if I make false statements or withhold facts to receive
benefi ts; my answers are true and correct. I declare under penalty of
perjury that I am a U.S. citizen or national; or an alien in satisfactory
immigration status and permitted to work by the United States
Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). I signed this form after
the latest date for which I am claiming benefi ts.
You must sign your paper Continued Claim Form and answer all of the
questions in order to receive payment. Answers to the same questions
are required if you use
EDD Web-Cert
EDD Tele-Cert
to certify for
benefi ts.
EDD Web-Cert
EDD Tele-Cert
will accept your submission
as your signature.
If you are not sure how to answer the questions or are
not legally entitled to work in this country, contact the EDD immediately.
You are responsible for the answers on your paper Continued Claim
Form or when you certify using EDD Web-Cert
EDD Tele-Cert
If you give false information or do not report information that you
should report, you may be subject to disqualifi cation and penalties.
9. How to Stop Certifying for Benefi ts - If you want to discontinue
certifying for unemployment benefi ts for any reason, and do not want to
certify for benefi ts for the week(s) on the claim form, do not complete
or mail the Continued Claim Form to the EDD, and do not certify using
EDD Web-Cert
or EDD Tele-Cert
. Individuals may want to stop certifying
for benefi ts because they have returned to work full time or because they
have withdrawn from the labor market for personal reasons.
10. How to Resume Certifying for Benefi ts - If you become unemployed or your
hours are reduced, the easiest way to reopen your claim is online. Claims are
reopened the Sunday of the week that you contact the EDD to fi le or reopen
your claim. DO NOT delay reopening your claim. Your claim will not be
reopened effective the date you last worked; the claim will be reopened the
Sunday of the week you contact the EDD to reopen the claim. If the benefi t
date of your last UI claim has ended, you will need to fi le a new claim.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 19 of 43
Completing the Back of the Continued Claim Form
Section A - Provides examples of how to complete the claim form. As you
can see in EXAMPLE (a), there are only three boxes for the dollar
amount earned. If your earnings are $1,000 or more in a week,
enter $999.99 in Item 6a. on the front of the form.
Section B - If the box in Question 3 is checked on the front of the form,
record your job contacts for the week(s) shown.
Section C - After you have been approved by the EDD for training benefi ts,
your training facility must complete this section for each week
you attend training.
If you are on a semester/holiday recess, enter the date you are
scheduled to return to school on the line provided.
Section D - Used to provide a change of address or telephone number (be
sure to mark the block in Item 8 on the front of the form).
You signed the form. The form is mailed immediately
You answered all questions. after the last week-ending
Nothing is attached to the form. date on the form has passed.
Back of Continued Claim Form Sample
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 20 of 43
Tips for Using EDD Web-Certifi cation (EDD Web-Cert
What is EDD Web-Cert
EDD Web-Cert
is an online method which allows you to certify for your
Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefi ts on a biweekly basis by using the
Employment Development Department (EDD) website: www.edd.ca.gov.
The EDD offers this new service to provide a more user-friendly method
of certifying for UI benefi ts that will help reduce errors made on the paper
Continued Claim Form, DE 4581, that can cause benefi t payment delays. The
online version of the form will not be submitted to the EDD until all questions
are completed.
The questions asked on EDD Web-Cert
are the same questions on the paper
Continued Claim Form. The paper claim form will continue to be issued
to you until all unemployment systems are fully automated, regardless of
which certifi cation method you use. However, if you choose to submit your
Continued Claim Form online, do not also submit a form through the mail.
Certifying online and submitting a paper Continued Claim Form could delay
your benefi t payments.
Advantages: EDD Web-Cert
Convenient and eliminates mail time and postage costs.
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, you must wait until
after the ending date of the benefi t claim week(s) to certify (the date
indicated on the front of the paper claim form sent to you).
Allows you to verify or edit your answer(s) before submitting the
certifi cation.
Accepts your certifi cation submission as your electronic signature.
Allows you to print your completed certifi cation for your records.
Accessing EDD Web-Cert
Visit the EDD website at www.edd.ca.gov and click on the
“Unemployment” tab. The EDD Web-Cert
link will be in the middle of
the page.
• The rst time you use EDD Web-Cert
, you will be asked to register and
create a user name and password. On subsequent visits, you will need
to use the user name and password you created during registration to
access EDD Web-Cert
Additional information and instructions will be available on the website
to assist in the certifi cation process.
You are responsible for the answers on your paper Continued Claim
Form or when you certify using EDD Web-Cert
. If you give false
information or do not report information that you should report, you
may be subject to disqualifi cation and penalties.
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Tips for Using EDD Web-Certifi cation (Cont.)
Some temporary limitations on using the EDD Web-Cert
Some claimants participating in the following UI programs will not be able
to certify using EDD Web Cert
until all unemployment systems are fully
• Apprenticeship Training
• California Training Benefi ts (CTB)
Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)
Federal-State Extended Duration (FED-ED) Extension
Partials Program (including Fisher partials and PMA partials)
State Special School Benefi ts (SSSB)
Trade Readjustment Allowance (TRA)
Work Sharing Program (WS)
In addition, if during any benefi t weeks any of the following conditions apply
to you, you must submit a paper form instead of using EDD Web-Cert
You changed your address or phone number.
You served on jury duty.
You have performed work and/or earned wages during any week of the
certifying period (this includes all reportable income such as pension,
Workers’ Compensation, residuals, and commission).
You are directly involved in a trade dispute and are on strike or locked
out by your employer.
After you certify for UI Benefi ts
Even if you use EDD Web-Cert
to certify for benefi ts, you will continue
to receive a paper Continued Claim Form in the mail. You may certify for
benefi ts using the paper form or EDD Web-Cert
as long as one of the
above temporary limitations or conditions do not apply to you.
DO NOT mail your paper claim form for any of the same week(s)
you certify using EDD Web-Cert
since it may delay your payments.
The system will use the fi rst certifi cation submitted to process your
payments. Also, do not send any other correspondence to the address
indicated for paper Continued Claim Forms because that too could
delay processing.
If you realize you made an error certifying for benefi ts using any of the
available methods, contact the EDD immediately through the EDD
website at www.edd.ca.gov or call one of the available toll-free phone
numbers listed on the EDD website to speak to a representative.
Allow 10 days for the processing of your EDD Web-Cert
or paper form
before contacting the EDD about the status of your benefi t payment.
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Tips for Using EDD Telephone Certifi cation (EDD Tele-Cert
What is EDD Tele-Cert
EDD Tele-Cert
is a new telephone certifi cation method that allows you to
certify for your Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefi ts on a biweekly basis
over the phone by calling the Employment Development Department (EDD)
automated self-service number, 1-866-333-4606, and using the automated
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.
The EDD offers this new service to provide a more user-friendly method of
certifying for UI benefi ts that will help reduce errors made on the paper Continued
Claim Form, DE 4581, that can cause benefi t payment delays. The IVR version of
the form will not allow submission to the EDD until all questions are completed.
The questions asked using EDD Tele-Cert
are the same questions on the
paper Continued Claim Form. The paper claim form will continue to be issued
to you until all unemployment systems are fully automated, regardless of
which certifi cation method you use. However, if you choose to certify for
your UI benefi ts using the EDD Tele-Cert
method, do not also submit a form
through the mail. Certifying by phone and submitting a paper Continued Claim
Form could delay your benefi t payments.
Advantages: EDD Tele-Cert
Convenient and eliminates mail time and postage costs.
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, you must wait until
after the ending date of the benefi t claim week(s) to certify (the date
indicated on the front of the paper claim form sent to you).
Allows you to verify or edit your answer(s) before submitting the certifi cation.
Accepts your certifi cation submission as your electronic signature.
Allows you to certify for multiple weeks with one phone call.
Accessing EDD Tele-Cert
The toll-free self-service phone number for EDD Tele-Cert
1-866-333-4606. It is recommended that you call during non-business
hours, after 5 p.m. and before 8 a.m., Monday through Friday, Pacifi c
Standard Time, or on Saturday and Sunday.
• The rst time you use EDD Tele-Cert
, you will be asked to enter
your Social Security number (SSN) and establish a new personal
identifi cation number (PIN). On subsequent visits, you will use the same
PIN you created during registration to access EDD Tele-Cert
• The EDD Tele-Cert
method will provide you with prompts to assist in
navigating through the certifi cation process. You will be asked to input
your answers using the keypad on your telephone. EDD Tele-Cert
not use a voice recognition capability.
Your answers will be repeated back to you to ensure you answered each
question correctly. You will be given the opportunity to change any
incorrect answers. Your fi nal entries will serve as an electronic signature.
You are responsible for the answers on your paper Continued Claim
Form or when you certify using EDD Tele-Cert
. If you give false
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Tips for Using EDD Telephone Certifi cation (Cont.)
information or do not report information that you should report, you
may be subject to disqualifi cation and penalties.
You will receive a confi rmation number at the end of your call.
It’s important to have a pen and paper ready to write down your
confi rmation number for your records as well as record the answers you
gave using the IVR system.
Some temporary limitations on using the EDD Tele-Cert
Some claimants participating in the following UI Programs will not be able to
certify using EDD Tele-Cert
until all unemployment systems are fully automated:
• Apprenticeship Training
• California Training Benefi ts (CTB)
Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)
Federal-State Extended Duration (FED-ED) Extension
Partials Program (including Fisher partials and PMA partials)
State Special School Benefi ts (SSSB)
Trade Readjustment Allowance (TRA)
Work Sharing Program (WS)
In addition, if during any benefi t weeks any of the following conditions apply
to you, you must submit a paper form instead of using EDD Tele-Cert
You changed your address or phone number.
You served on jury duty.
You have performed work and/or earned wages during any week of the
certifying period (this includes all reportable income such as pension,
Workers’ Compensation, residuals, and commission).
You are directly involved in a trade dispute and are on strike or locked
out by your employer.
After you certify for UI Benefi ts
Even if you use EDD Tele-Cert
to certify for benefi ts, you will continue
to receive a paper Continued Claim Form in the mail. You may certify
for benefi ts using the paper form or EDD Tele-Cert
as long as one of
the above temporary limitations or conditions do not apply to you.
DO NOT mail your paper claim form for any of the same week(s) you
certify using EDD Tele-Cert
since it may delay your payments. The
system will use the fi rst certifi cation submitted to process your payments.
Also, do not send any other correspondence to the address indicated for
paper Continued Claim Forms because that too could delay processing.
If you realize you made an error certifying for benefi ts using any of the
available methods, contact the EDD immediately through the EDD website
at www.edd.ca.gov or call one of the available toll-free phone numbers
listed on the inside cover of this handbook to speak to a representative.
Allow 10 days for the processing of your EDD Tele-Cert
or paper form
before contacting the EDD about the status of your benefi t payment.
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EDD Debit Card
The EDD Debit Card
In July 2011, Unemployment Insurance (UI) began issuing Visa branded EDD
Debit Cards
from Bank of America for electronic benefi t payments, instead
of mailing benefi t checks. When your fi rst electronic benefi t payment is
made, an EDD Debit Card
will be mailed to you and you should receive it
in no more than fi ve business days from the date the payment is processed.
Future benefi ts payments will be processed directly to your EDD Debit Card
account, and you will have immediate access to your funds. You will receive
information with the card about how to activate and use the card, about direct
deposit transfer information, and contact information for Bank of America. A
Continued Claim Form, without a check attached, will also be mailed to you
after each electronic payment is processed.
Once you receive your card, any UI Disability Insurance (DI) or Paid Family
Leave (PFL) benefi ts for which you are eligible will be deposited to the same
card account during the three year life of the card.
You will continue to certify benefi ts each week in the usual manner.
Although the card is issued by Bank of America, you do not need to have a
bank account with Bank of America, or with any bank, to use the card.
DIRECT DEPOSIT TRANSFER: A direct deposit transfer gives you the option
to transfer funds to your personal bank account from your EDD Debit Card
Direct deposit transfers must be initiated by you through Bank of America.
You will be required to provide Bank of America with your e-mail address in
order to do the transfer, so that they may notify you when the transfer is done.
If you do not have an e-mail address, a direct deposit transfer cannot be done.
You may request a direct deposit transfer of your funds one time, or you may
request funds to be automatically transferred when each benefi t payment is
made. You can request all or part of your benefi t payments to be transferred.
Direct deposit transfers may take up to 48 hours to complete and funds will
not be available for use until the transfer is completed.
You are responsible for your EDD Debit Card
activation and use. DO NOT
SHARE your EDD Debit Card
information with anyone or allow other people
to use your card. The information sent to you with your card will advise you
how to avoid fees with careful use of the card.
WARNING: If you share your personal identifi cation number (PIN) or you
allow others to use your card, and you experience loss of benefi ts, the benefi ts
will not be replaced.
If your card is lost, stolen, damaged, or you believe it has been used
fraudulently, you should contact Bank of America immediately.
IMPORTANT: The EDD and Bank of America will NOT contact you under any
circumstances to request your EDD Debit Card
number and/or PIN.
If you are contacted by phone or e-mail and asked for the information, DO
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 25 of 43
IMPORTANT: Once you have received your EDD Debit Card
, if you have
additional questions about the card, you may contact Bank of America’s EDD
Debit Card
customer service:
 Online: www.bankofamerica.com/eddcard
 By phone:
o Bank of America EDD Debit Card
Customer Service 1-866-692-9374
o TTY: 866-656-5913
o International 423-262-1650 (outside the United States – claimants
can call collect.
In July 2011, UI began issuing benefi t payments to Visa branded EDD Debit
. Please refer to page 25 and the EDD Debit Card
information in this
section for important additional information about the card.
If you have not yet transitioned to the EDD
Debit Card
, you will be
mailed a check if you are eligible to receive UI benefi ts.
The EDD mails your UI checks to you from a central location. The check,
your new claim form, and a message stub are printed on a three-part form.
The top section of the form contains a stub with information about your
claim and important messages. You must read, detach, and save the stub
for your record.
The middle section of the form is your Continued Claim Form. Use it to
certify for benefi ts for the next week(s) or you may certify online using
EDD Web-Cert
or by phone using EDD Tele-Cert
NOTE: If this section is blank, do not mail the form back to the EDD.
Disregard the preprinted reverse side of the form.
The bottom section of the form contains your check. Detach and cash the
check where you normally cash checks.
If the check is not issued, only your address and the EDD offi ce address will
appear in this space. Detach and destroy this portion of the form. It should
not be mailed back to the EDD with your completed Continued Claim Form.
If you do not receive your check or a response from the EDD within 10
days of submitting your claim form, or if you have received your check
and it has been lost, stolen, or destroyed, contact the EDD immediately.
If you have any questions concerning your eligibility for benefi ts, contact
the EDD.
EDD Debit Card
Overview (Cont.)
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 26 of 43
The EDD Debit Card
is mailed to you from Bank of America when you
certify for benefi ts the fi rst time and the payment is authorized by the EDD.
You should receive your card with fi ve business days from the date your
rst payment is authorized. Subsequent payments are issued directly to the
same card when you submit a certifi cation and you are determined eligible
for payment.
You should activate your EDD Debit Card
as soon as you receive it.
Once activated, the EDD Debit Card
is valid for three years from the date
of issuance. You should keep your card.
When the EDD issues UI payments to an EDD Debit Card
, a claim
form and message stub are printed on a three-part form, without a check
The top section of the form contains a stub with information about your
claim and important messages about your payment. You must read, detach,
and save the stub for your record.
The middle section of the form is your Continued Claim Form. Use it to
certify for benefi ts for the next week(s), or you may certify online using
EDD Web-Cert
or by phone using EDD Tele-Cert
NOTE: If this section is blank, do not mail the form back to the EDD.
Disregard the preprinted reverse side of the form.
The bottom section of the form will show your address and the EDD offi ce
address. Detach and destroy this portion of the form. It should not be
mailed back to the EDD with your completed Continued Claim Form.
If you do not receive your payment or a response from the EDD within 10
days of submitting your claim form, contact the EDD.
If your card is lost, stolen, or damaged, or if you have questions about the
use of your card, contact Bank of America.
If you have any questions concerning your eligibility for benefi ts, contact
the EDD.
We issue an envelope with your claim form. Mail your claim form, folding
it back along the pre-folded line so that the address printed in the lower left
hand corner of the Continued Claim Form shows through the window of the
Do not mail or take your Continued Claim Form to any other address unless
instructed to do so. Mailing your Continued Claim Form to any other address
will result in a delay of payment.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 27 of 43
In order to receive UI benefi ts you must meet certain eligibility requirements.
There is a question regarding your eligibility if you:
Quit your job.
• Were red from your job.
Are out of work due to a strike or lockout.
Do not have child care.
Do not have transportation.
Do not look for work as instructed.
File your claim late.
Mail your claim forms late.
Certify late using EDD Web-Cert
EDD Tele-Cert
Refuse a job.
Give incorrect information or withhold information.
Fail to participate in re-employment activities.
Are a school employee fi ling a claim during a recess period.
Are a professional athlete fi ling a claim during the off-season.
Are/were not in satisfactory immigration status or legally authorized to work.
Are attending school during normal working hours for your occupation.
Are not physically or mentally able to work during normal working
hours for your occupation.
If you are scheduled for a phone interview because there is a question
concerning your eligibility, the EDD will call you at the scheduled interview
date and time. You have the right to request more time if you need to contact
witnesses, gather information, or obtain the advice of a representative. To
request more time, call the EDD.
The interviewer will ask you questions about the eligibility issue(s). Your
answers will be documented and used to make a decision. If the eligibility
issue involves an employer, we may contact the employer for additional
information. The EDD makes a decision based on all the information available.
If you are denied benefi ts, a written Notice of Determination will be mailed to
you. The notice advises you of the reason for the EDD’s decision and gives you
information about your appeal rights.
If you are not available for a scheduled eligibility interview and do not
call the EDD to arrange another appointment, a decision will be made
based on the available facts that may result in denial of your benefi ts.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 28 of 43
If you willfully give false information or withhold information to fi le a UI
claim and/or receive UI benefi ts, the EDD will assess a false statement
disqualifi cation. A false statement disqualifi cation is a penalty that denies you
benefi ts from 2 to 23 weeks. The penalty stays on your record for three years
or until served, whichever comes fi rst. To serve the penalty weeks, you must
mail in your Continued Claim Forms each week, and be otherwise eligible for
each week claimed.
When a new claim is fi led or when an existing claim is reopened and there
has been intervening work, you will be sent a Notice of Unemployment
Insurance Claim Filed. The purpose of this form is to ensure the information
you provided when the claim was fi led is accurate. The EDD will consider
the information correct, unless you report corrected information within ten
(10) days from the mailing date of the form in writing, by phone, or online
via Ask EDD on the EDD website. This will protect you from being assessed a
false statement disqualifi cation.
Per Section 1263(a) of the UI Code, any individual convicted by any court under
Section 2101 that willfully made false statements or knowingly failed to disclose a
material fact to obtain or increase any benefi t or payment, shall forfeit any rights to
benefi ts for 52 weeks starting at the fi ling of the criminal complaint. Penal Code 470
applies to these acts and penalties may include both fi nes and criminal prosecution.
NOTE: Serving the false statement disqualifi cation does not repay nor
reduce the amount of any overpayment.
A Notice of Overpayment is mailed to you when you have been paid UI benefi ts
that you were not eligible to receive. The notice shows the amount of the
overpayment and penalties, if any. It explains why you were overpaid and gives
you information about your appeal rights. If you have general questions about
overpayments or why you have been assessed an overpayment, you may call the
UI toll-free telephone numbers listed on the inside cover of this handbook.
The EDD classifi es overpayments into two categories, non-fraud or fraud:
Non-Fraud: When you have received benefi ts to which you were not entitled
and you are not at fault, the overpayment is considered non-fraud. In some
cases, the EDD can consider waiver of your non-fraud overpayment, and you
may not have to repay the overpayment. You will receive a notice telling you if
the overpayment must be repaid.
Fraud: A fraud overpayment occurs when you knowingly give false information
or withhold information and receive benefi ts that you should not have received.
Withholding or giving false information to obtain unemployment insurance
benefi ts is a serious offense that can result in criminal prosecution. With a fraud
overpayment, you are assessed a penalty in the amount of 30 percent of the
amount of the overpayment and a false statement disqualifi cation of 5 to 23
weeks. Fraud overpayments and penalties must be repaid.
If you do not repay your overpayment promptly, the EDD will deduct the
money owed from your future weekly UI or State Disability Insurance
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 29 of 43
benefi ts. This process is referred to as an offset. The EDD may offset up to
100 percent of your benefi ts. Since the EDD cannot offset the penalty portion
of an overpayment from your benefi ts, you must submit a payment to repay
the penalty. The EDD may reduce or totally withhold your state income tax
refunds, lottery winnings, or any other money owed to you by the state, to
repay your overpayment. The EDD may also fi le a claim against you in court,
charge you court costs and interest, and record a lien on your property.
It may be possible for you to set up a payment plan to repay your overpayment
by contacting the EDD Benefi t Overpayment Collections Section at
1-800-676-5737. Establishing a payment plan will not stop an offset, if you are
currently claiming UI or Disability Insurance (DI) benefi ts. You may use your
credit card to repay an overpayment.
For additional information regarding how to pay your benefi t overpayment
by credit card, refer to the EDD website at www.edd.ca.gov, Select the
“Unemployment” tab and under “General Information,” select “Frequently
Asked Questions.
NOTE: Repaying an overpayment does not remove a disqualifi cation.
You may appeal any written EDD decision. You must fi le your appeal in
writing and you must state the reasons why you disagree with the decision.
You may fi le an appeal by mail by sending a completed Employment
Development Department Appeal Form, DE 1000M, or a letter to the address
on your Notice of Determination. A letter of appeal must include your name,
Social Security number, and the reasons why you disagree with the decision.
You have 20 calendar days from the date of the decision to fi le a timely appeal.
You can still appeal even if you miss the 20-day deadline. You must state why
your appeal is fi led late. At the appeal, you will be required to show good
cause for delay in fi ling an appeal. If you do not show good cause for any delay
beyond 20 days, the administrative law judge may dismiss your appeal.
The Offi ce of Appeals will notify you of the date, time, and place of your
hearing. An administrative law judge conducts your hearing. You have the
right to review all records affecting the appeal before your hearing begins.
Everyone testifi es under oath. All testimony is recorded and is subject to cross-
examination. The administrative law judge will mail a decision. If you live in
another state, the appeal hearing will be handled by telephone. You do not
have to travel to California to attend the appeal hearing.
If you disagree with the decision of the administrative law judge, you may
appeal to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.
If you are appealing a disqualifi cation, you must continue to certify for
benefi ts while your appeal is pending. You may use any of the available
methods to certify for benefi ts: mail the paper Continued Claim Form,
certify using EDD Web-Cert
EDD Tele-Cert
If the administrative
law judge decides you are eligible, you will only be paid for the weeks
for which you certifi ed and met all other eligibility requirements.
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The fastest way to obtain a printout of your current UI claim payment history
and award balance is to request a printout online on the website at
www.edd.ca.gov. Select “Contact EDD” located at the top of the page, select
Ask EDD.” Select the category, “Unemployment Insurance Benefi ts,” select
the sub-category “Other,” then select the topic, “Print Out of Claim.When
your request is received, a printout will be mailed to the address on record. If
you need copies of other UI documents, call the EDD UI toll-free telephone
numbers listed on the inside cover of this handbook.
Alternate Base Period Program
Individuals who contact the EDD to fi le a new UI claim that begins
April 1, 2012, or after, and do not qualify to fi le a UI claim using the Standard
Base Period, may be eligible to fi le a claim using the Alternate Base Period.
The Standard Base Period is the fi rst four of the last fi ve completed calendar
quarters before the beginning date of the claim. The Alternate Base Period
is the last four completed calendar quarters before the beginning date of the
claim, which means that qualifi ed individuals can potentially use more recently
earned wages to fi le a UI claim. (For more information about the two different
base periods, refer to Item 5, “Total Wages” on page 5 of this handbook.)
For all individuals who contact the EDD to fi le a new UI claim, and who
do not qualify to fi le a claim using the Standard Base Period, the EDD will
automatically consider whether they potentially qualify to fi le a claim using
the Alternate Base Period. The EDD may need specifi c employer and wage
information from the individuals before being able to determine eligibility to
le a claim using the Alternate Base Period. It is important that all individuals
have their complete employment information for the past 18 months available
when contacting the EDD to fi le a UI claim, including all employers’ names
and complete mailing addresses. If individuals do not have the employers’
complete contact information, they may be asked to contact the EDD again
when they have all the information available.
If you are potentially eligible to fi le an Alternate Base Period claim, and the
EDD needs your proof of wages you earned for a past employer, the EDD will
mail you an Affi davit of Wages, DE 23A. If you worked and earned wages for
the employer listed on the form, as soon as possible, you will need to:
1. Fill out the form completely.
2. Sign the form.
3. Gather your proof of earnings, such as your W-2 and/or pay stubs.
4. Fax OR mail the completed and signed form, along with your proof
of earnings, to the EDD using the fax number or mailing address
provided on the form.
If the EDD is not able to obtain your work and earnings from your former
employer, the EDD may use the signed affi davit and proof of earnings you
provide to fi le your UI claim. If wages are added to your UI claim, you
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 31 of 43
will receive a Notice of Amended Unemployment Insurance Award. If you
believe the amended notice is incorrect, you may contact the EDD to request
a reconsideration of, or protest the accuracy of, the wages and/or the claim
California Training Benefi ts
The California Training Benefi ts (CTB) program allows eligible California
Unemployment Insurance claimants, who lack competitive job skills to compete
for jobs in the California labor market, to receive their UI benefi ts which might
otherwise not be allowed while attending a training program. Claimants who are
approved by the EDD to participate in the CTB program do not have to meet the
following eligibility requirements during the period of approved training:
Look for work.
Be available for work.
Accept suitable work.
However, there is no guarantee that regular UI benefi ts, federal or federal-
state extended benefi ts (extensions), or training extension (TE) claim will be
suffi cient to cover the entire period of approved training.
There are two types of CTB program approval criteria the EDD uses to
determine CTB eligibility.
Criteria 1
CTB participation may be approved assuming all other UI eligibility criteria are met
and the EDD determines the training meets at least one of the following conditions:
The training is authorized and verifi able by one of the following state
or federal program sponsors:
o Workforce Investment Act (WIA),
o Employment Training Panel (ETP),
o Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), or
o California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs)
You are an active journey level union member (JLUM) taking industry-
related training approved by your union.
The training program and provider are listed on the California's Eligible
Training Provider List (ETPL). The ETPL is online at
Criteria 2
If you are not approved under Criteria 1, your CTB participation may be
approved only if you meet all other UI eligibility criteria and the EDD
determines all of the following conditions are met:
• You must be eligible for California UI benefi ts and be unemployed or
partially unemployed for four or more continuous weeks or unemployed
due to a plant closure, or substantial reduction in work force, or due to
a mental or physical disability preventing the use of existing job skills, or
due to technological changes in your occupation; AND
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• You must be unemployed due to a lack of demand for your current
skills in your local labor market, or your occupation is seasonal and
you have no other skills in current demand; AND
• The training must relate to an occupation or skill which is in demand
in the local labor market in California where you intend to seek work.
When federal extension claims are in effect in California, certain
prerequisite or remedial training is included; AND
The training is taken at an approved training facility AND your training
must be completed within a reasonable period of time, not exceeding
24 months (or not exceeding 48 months when federal extensions are in
effect in California); AND
• Your training must be full time, (typically not less than 20 hours per
week, or 12 semester or quarter units) and intended to provide skills to
obtain employment in a demand occupation; AND
• You must reasonably be expected to complete the training successfully, even if
your UI benefi ts are not suffi cient to cover the entire period of training; AND
The beginning date of the new training must be more than three years
from the beginning date of the last CTB participation.
Contact your local One-Stop Career Center for the name and location of the
training providers in your area. To locate the One-Stop Career Center nearest
you, contact the EDD at www.edd.ca.gov or call the telephone numbers listed
on the inside cover of this handbook.
California Training Benefi ts Training Extension Claims
An extension of CTB training benefi ts may be available beyond your regular
UI claim while you are in approved training. The training extension (TE) claim
provides additional benefi ts up to a combined total of 52 weeks times the
weekly benefi t amount of the regular (parent) UI claim on which the CTB
was approved. However, the maximum award of the parent UI claim and any
subsequent new UI claim, and the payments on extensions, are subtracted from
the maximum TE amount. When extensions are available and an individual
qualifi es for these benefi ts, extended benefi ts may replace TE benefi ts.
Training Extension Claim Computation Formula
The TE claim benefi ts equal (=) the Weekly Benefi t Award (parent claim) multiplied
by (x) 52, minus (-) the Maximum Benefi t Award (parent claim), minus (-) the federal
or federal-state extended benefi ts, minus (-) any subsequent regular UI claims.
If an individual qualifi es for a subsequent new regular UI claim or extension in
California or another state while receiving training extension benefi ts, the new
claim or extension must be fi led and benefi ts must be paid from the new claim
or extension, even if the new claim has a lower weekly benefi t amount.
To be eligible for TE benefi ts, you must ask for information about CTB or
apply for CTB training approval with the EDD no later than the 16th week of
UI benefi ts paid. If your UI claim award is 16 weeks or less, you must ask for
information or apply before you receive the last UI benefi t payment.
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If you are determined to meet the TE eligibility criteria, you may fi le a TE claim
once benefi ts are exhausted on your regular UI claim and on any extension.
The amount of benefi ts payable on a TE claim will be reduced by any benefi ts
paid on an extension. You may fi le a TE benefi ts claim online by visiting the
EDD website at www.edd.ca.gov, or call the telephone number on the inside
cover of this handbook, after you receive your last UI benefi t payment.
For more information about training benefi ts or how to apply, visit the EDD
website at www.edd.ca.gov and select Unemployment Insurance. In the
middle of the page select “Unemployment.” Under “Apply for UI Benefi ts,
select “Unemployment Tip Sheets,” then select “Tips for Qualifying for the
California Training Benefi ts Program.”
Trade Adjustment Assistance Program
The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program is a federally funded program
that provides training and training related benefi ts and services to those
workers certifi ed by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) as having lost their
jobs, or had their hours and wages reduced as a result of increased imports
from, or a shift in production to a foreign country.
The TAA program provides:
Training to learn a new skill if suitable work is unavailable locally.
Job Search Allowances to reimburse workers who seek work outside of
the local area, if suitable work is not available locally. (Restrictions apply)
Relocation Allowances to move family and household goods to
another area or state if suitable work is found outside of the local labor
market area. (Restrictions apply)
Re-employment Services to assist those workers needing additional
skills in order to fi nd suitable work.
Extended federal UI Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA) benefi ts for
workers enrolled in approved TAA training programs once the workers
California UI benefi ts are exhausted. (Restrictions apply)
Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) of up to 80 percent of the cost of
premiums for health insurance for TAA eligible individuals and their
qualifi ed family members. (Restrictions apply)
Re-employment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA) for older workers
eligible to apply for the TAA program that return to work. (Restrictions
TAA for farm workers involved in agricultural production or
commercial salmon fi shing. Workers may petition the Department of
Agriculture for TAA. (Restrictions apply)
The U.S. DOL is responsible for certifying or denying TAA program petitions.
Three workers, a company offi cial, a union representative, One-Stop operators or
partners, State Workforce Agencies, or Dislocated Worker Units can fi le petitions.
TAA petitions are available at your local EDD One-Stop Career Center offi ces,
or online at www.doleta.gov/tradeact.
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For more information on the TAA program, visit the EDD website and select
on top of page, “Forms and Publications.” Under “Fact Sheets,” select “Trade
Adjustment Assistance, DE 8714X,” or contact the EDD at one of the toll-free
numbers listed on the inside cover of this handbook.
Federal-State Extended Benefi ts Program
The Extended Benefi ts program becomes effective ONLY when unemployment
is very high. This program pays additional benefi ts to those who qualify and
have collected all the money on their regular claims and are not eligible for
any other UI claims. THE EDD WILL NOTIFY YOU, by mail and/or through the
media, when you become potentially eligible for this benefi t.
Under Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 1001, willfully and
knowingly concealing a material fact by any trick, scheme, or device, or
knowingly making a false statement in connection with an Extended Benefi ts
claim, is a federal offense. You can be punished with a fi ne of not more than
$10,000 or imprisoned for not more than fi ve years or both.
Disaster Unemployment Assistance
The Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) is a federal program that
provides weekly payments for individuals whose work or self-employment is
interrupted due to a disaster and who are not eligible for Unemployment or
Disability Insurance benefi ts. DUA is authorized when the President of the
United States declares a major disaster in the area and authorizes individual
assistance and DUA benefi ts.
Individuals may be eligible for DUA benefi ts if they meet any one of the
following criteria:
The individual is unable to work as a direct result of the disaster.
The individual was scheduled to start work for an employer, but could
not because of the disaster.
The self-employed individual is unable to work as a direct result of the
The individual intended to begin self-employment, but could not
because of the disaster.
The individual became head of household as a result of the disaster.
For more information on DUA benefi ts, visit the EDD website and select on
top of page, “Forms and Publications.” Under “Fact Sheets,” select “Disaster
Unemployment Assistance, DE 8714Y,” or contact the EDD at one of the
toll-free numbers listed on the inside cover of this handbook.
Work Sharing
Any employer who has a reduction in production, services, or other conditions
that cause the employer to seek an alternative to layoffs may apply to
participate in the Work Sharing (WS) program.
Some of the specifi c requirements are:
A minimum of two employees, comprising at least 10 percent of the
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employer’s regular work force or a unit of the work force, must be
affected by a reduction in wages and hours worked.
The reduction in wages and hours worked also must be at least 10 percent.
Participating employees receive reduced UI weekly benefi ts corresponding to
the percentage reduction of their work hours.
Everyone benefi ts under the WS program. Employers keep trained workers
during a slowdown and employees keep their jobs.
Partial Claims
Some employers participate in the partial claims program. These employers
give the form Notice of Reduced Earnings, DE 2063, to their full-time
employees to complete and submit to the EDD for benefi ts instead of the
regular Continued Claim Form. Employers issue DE 2063 forms to employees:
Who are laid off for no more than two consecutive weeks, or
Whose gross earnings, when reduced by $25 or 25 percent, whichever
is greater, are less than their weekly benefi t amount.
When a new claim is fi led or a claim is reopened, the EDD provides pre-
addressed envelopes with the mailing address for completed DE 2063 forms.
Failure to mail the completed DE 2063 to the correct address within 28 days
of the form issue date may delay benefi ts. The DE 2063 form represents a
seven-day period, usually based on the employer’s payroll week. Employees
remain attached to the employer and do not have to look for other work, but
must be able to work and be available for work.
A Spanish translation is on the reverse side of the DE 2063. A Chinese
translation of the DE 2063 is available on the EDD website www.edd.ca.gov.
However, the English version of the form must be completed and submitted.
You may be required to register for work on the EDD’s Workforce Services
assistance website CalJOBS
within 21 days of the fi ling of your UI claim.
You may also be required to complete a work search questionnaire and
attend multiple re-employment assistance interviews or workshops. Failure to
register in CalJOBS
or failure to attend scheduled re-employment assistance
appointments may affect your eligibility for UI benefi ts.
If you are required to register in CalJOBS
or to attend a re-employment
assistance interview or workshop, you will be notifi ed by mail. If you have any
questions about these notices, contact the EDD immediately.
Re-employment Services
California has a system to identify claimants for whom few job openings exist
and who are, therefore, likely to exhaust their benefi ts.
The EDD schedules those individuals most in need of assistance to an
orientation to re-employment services. Once you have been scheduled for an
orientation for a re-employment services interview, failure to attend may result
in denial of your UI benefi ts.
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Workforce Services
At EDD Workforce Services and partner sites, you can enroll in the CalJOBS
Internet-based job and résumé listing system. With CalJOBS
you can produce
a quality résumé and view a wide variety of job listings within your city or
anywhere in the state. If you have Internet access, you can also enroll at
www.caljobs.ca.gov. The Workforce Services sites can also provide you with
information about labor market conditions, services to veterans, and programs
to assist those with barriers to employment. Information on services available, as
well as locations of Workforce Services offi ces, can be found on the EDD website
at www.edd.ca.gov. Call 1-866-333-4606 for Workforce Service locations.
These services are provided at no cost and are available to job seekers who are
legally entitled to reside and work in the United States. For more information,
contact the local EDD Workforce Services offi ce listed in the government
pages of your telephone directory, or call the EDD.
One-Stop Services
Comprehensive One-Stop Career Centers provide access to a full range
of services pertaining to employment, training and education, employer
assistance, and guidance for obtaining other assistance. One-Stop Career
Centers use varied strategies in providing the appropriate services to meet the
needs of their customers. California’s Workforce Services is an integral partner
in the One-Stop Career Center system.
Information and county-by-county listings of all California One-Stop Career
Centers and access points including addresses, phone numbers, and hours
of operation can be accessed on the EDD website at www.edd.ca.gov, select
the button, “EDD - Are you looking for an EDD offi ce?” or “Jobs and Training”
tab listed on top of the page, and under “Important Links,” select “One-Stop
Career Center.
• Core Services are available and include, in part, labor market
information, initial assessment of skill levels, and job search placement
• Intensive Services are available to eligible unemployed individuals who
have completed at least one core service, but have not been able to
obtain employment, or employed individuals needing additional services
to obtain or keep employment that will lead to personal self-suffi ciency.
• Training Services are available to eligible individuals who have met the
requirements for intensive services and have not been able to obtain or
keep employment. Individual Training Accounts are established to fi nance
training based upon the individual’s choice of selected training programs.
America’s Service Locator - If you need information about fi nding jobs
and job training in your community, visit America’s Service Locator
online. Most of the services that may help you get back to work are
available through your local One-Stop Career Center. The Toll-Free
Help Line and America’s Service Locator online can help you fi nd the
location of the center nearest you.
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Local services that may be available include:
Assessment and counseling.
Job search and placement assistance.
Information about local education and training providers.
Access to computers, telephones, and fax machines.
Toll-Free Help Line 1-877-US2-JOBS (1-877-872-5627).
America’s Service Locator online at: www.servicelocator.org.
California’s State Disability Insurance (SDI) program offers two types of
benefi ts for California workers: Disability Insurance (DI) and Paid Family
Leave (PFL). DI provides benefi ts to eligible workers who are unable to work
as a result of pregnancy, or a non work-related injury or illness. PFL benefi ts
are paid to eligible workers who need to take time off from work to care for a
seriously ill family member or to bond with a new child. You cannot receive
DI, PFL, or UI benefi ts for the same period. You may also obtain DI or PFL
claim forms by calling the toll-free telephone numbers below. You may also
obtain DI or PFL claim forms on the EDD website at www.edd.ca.gov.
EDD Disability Insurance (DI) Toll-Free Numbers:
English (Nationwide Toll-Free) 1-800-480-3287
Spanish 1-866-658-8846
TTY (Non-voice) 1-800-563-2441
When calling via the California Relay Service (711), please provide the
Disability Insurance Number (1-800-480-3287) to the operator.
EDD Paid Family Leave (PFL) Toll-Free Numbers:
English (Nationwide Toll-Free) 1-877-238-4373
Spanish 1-877-379-3819 Cantonese 1-866-692-5595
Vietnamese 1-866-692-5596 Armenian 1-866-627-1567
Punjabi 1-866-627-1568 Tagalog 1-866-627-1569
TTY (Non Voice) 1-800-445-1312
When calling via the California Relay Service (711), please provide the Paid
Family Leave Insurance number (1-877-238-4373) to the operator.
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Child Support Intercept
If you are delinquent in paying a child support obligation that has been fi led
with a court, we will withhold 10 to 25 percent of your weekly UI benefi ts,
depending on your support order. The money will be sent to the Department
of Child Support Services Local Child Support Agency that is enforcing the
child support order. If you have child support obligations in more than one
county, the money deducted from your benefi ts will be apportioned to the
counties in which your support obligations exist. If you have questions about
child support deductions or the distribution of the money, contact the agency
offi ce indicated on the notice you received advising you that child support
deductions will be withheld from your unemployment benefi ts.
Fraud Prevention and Detection
The EDD recognizes your concerns about imposter fraud and the threat of
identity theft. Imposter fraud occurs when someone intentionally fi les a UI claim
using another person’s employment or personal information. The EDD actively
investigates cases of imposter fraud and is committed to protecting the identities
of legitimate claimants. If you fi le a UI claim and there is reason to suspect a
UI claim may have identity or imposter issues, you may receive a Request for
Identity Verifi cation, DE 1326C, requesting you to submit documents to validate
the identity information provided when you fi led for UI benefi ts. The EDD will
contact employer(s) and governmental entities to verify the documents and
any information you supply. If you have been issued an EDD Debit Card
believe it was lost or stolen, contact Bank of America immediately at
www.bankofamerica.com/eddcard or via telephone at 866-692-9374 or TTY
line at 866-656-5913. Do not allow another person to use your card.
To report UI fraud visit the EDD website at www.edd.ca.gov and go to
Ask EDD,” or call the EDD toll-free Fraud Hotline at 1-800-229-6297.
To learn more about what steps you can take to protect your identity
and prevent imposter fraud, download the Protect Your Identity and Stop
Unemployment Insurance Imposter Fraud, DE 2360EE, brochure from the
EDD website under “Forms and Publications.
Verifi cation of Right to Work
The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires the EDD to review
the citizen or alien status of all UI claimants. When you fi le a claim or reopen
your present claim, we must ask you to declare, under penalty of perjury,
whether you are a citizen or national of the United States, or an alien in a
satisfactory immigration status. Satisfactory immigration status means that you
are lawfully residing in the United States and are legally authorized to work.
If you are not a United States citizen, you will be asked to provide proof of
your immigration status and work authorization.
This may include, but is not limited to:
Your alien registration card, or
Other document(s) issued by the United States Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS), or
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 39 of 43
Any document(s) you consider to be proof of your satisfactory
immigration status.
The document(s) you present will be verifi ed with USCIS. You will also be
asked to make a declaration about your citizenship or immigration status
during the period you earned the wages on which your claim is based.
Alien claimants must show continuing work authorization from the USCIS. The
documents must be presented to the EDD before the expiration date. Once the
work authorization has expired and the EDD has no evidence that the work
authorization has been extended, the EDD can no longer pay benefi ts. Benefi ts
will be denied from the expiration date until the extension document is provided.
Whether you are a citizen, national, or alien, you must be ready and able to
establish your right to work when you are hired. You may be denied benefi ts
for any week in which we fi nd that you are unable to establish your right to
work in the United States.
Verifi cation of Social Security Number
The EDD may require you to verify your Social Security number (SSN) as being
the one issued to you by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
Your eligibility for benefi ts may be affected if the information available to the
EDD indicates any of the following:
The SSN presented may belong to another individual.
The SSN is not valid.
The SSN was never issued by the SSA.
The wages shown in the base period of the claim may belong to
another individual.
Some of the most common errors associated with SSNs are:
The SSN being used is incorrect. You may have forgotten the number
or transposed the number when you provided it to your employer.
The name at the SSA is different than the one you used to fi le your
claim. You may have changed your name and not notifi ed the SSA.
The date of birth at the SSA is different than the date of birth you gave
when you fi led your claim.
If the EDD requires you to verify your SSN, you must submit verifi cation from
the SSA that the SSN you used to fi le your claim is assigned to you, or you may
submit to the EDD a copy of your complete annual statement issued to you by
the SSA. A copy of your Social Security card will not satisfy this requirement.
The location of your nearest SSA offi ce can be found on the SSA website at
www.ssa.gov, look under “Contact Us,” or in your local telephone book in the
federal government listing under “Social Security Administration.
All recipients of unemployment benefi ts are also required to supply their
California driver’s license or identifi cation number (DL/ID #), if available. The
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) verifi es the DL/ID # for identifi cation,
integrity, and security of the UI program.
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Confi dentiality
Although federal and state laws prohibit the revealing of information about
your employment and your UI claim to your spouse, relatives, friends, non-
interested parties, and private interest groups, federal legislation requires
that such information be made available to state and federal Welfare,
Medical Assistance, Food Stamps, Housing, and Child Support Enforcement
agencies. Maintaining the confi dentiality of your personal information is the
responsibility of all agencies using the information.
Privacy Act Statement
The Privacy Act of 1974 requires that you be furnished this statement because
you are asked to provide your SSN when fi ling a UI claim. Your SSN is
requested under the authority of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (26 U.S.C.
85, 6011(a), 6050B, and 6109(a)). Disclosure of your SSN for this purpose
is mandatory. Should you decline to disclose your SSN, your claim for UI
benefi ts will not be processed.
Your SSN will be used (1) to process your claim and determine your eligibility
for UI, (2) to report your unemployment benefi ts to the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) as income, (3) for statistical purposes, and (4) for cross-matching
by public assistance agencies or other governmental entities in the offi cial
performance of their duties.
Internet Claim Filing
File or reopen your UI claim the fast and easy way using eApply4UI, the EDD
online application. The eApply4UI application is reliable and secure, and is
available in English or Spanish, 24 hours a day. Access eApply4UI at
You may also fi le or reopen your UI claim by mail or fax, using the paper UI
application, DE 1101I on the EDD website at www.edd.ca.gov. Select the
“Unemployment” tab, on the left column under “Apply for UI Benefi ts,” select
“Mail or Fax.The application can be completed online and printed, or it
can be printed and completed by hand. The application can then be faxed or
mailed to an EDD offi ce for processing.
Other Internet Services
Access the EDD home page at www.edd.ca.gov to learn more about services
the EDD provides. You will fi nd answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs)
on the website. If you have a question that is not addressed in our frequently
asked questions section or elsewhere on this website, or would like to report
fraud, please contact the EDD through “Ask EDD” (see inside front cover
for directions). To help us answer your question, please include as much
information as possible. Your personal information (e.g., Social Security
numbers) will be maintained in a fully secure environment.
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Telephone Services
Many EDD services can be accessed by telephone including recorded
information about your most recent UI payment. The automated self-service
number provides UI Benefi t information and general information, 24 hours
a day, seven days a week. Unemployment Insurance payment information
includes the date your last payment was issued, the amount paid, and period
of time paid. To access your payment information, you will be asked to enter
your SSN and a personal identifi cation number (PIN) on your telephone
keypad. You will establish your PIN the fi rst time you use the self-service
number to access your payment information. The EDD self-service number
provides step-by-step instructions to guide you to services you want, in English
and Spanish. For faster access to payment information or to certify for benefi ts
using EDD Tele-Cert
, it is recommended that you call during non-business
hours, after 5 p.m. and before 8 a.m., Monday through Friday, Pacifi c Standard
Time, or on Saturday and Sunday. You will not be connected to a customer
service representative using the self-service number.
For more information about accessing payment information by telephone, refer
to the EDD website at www.edd.ca.gov/unemployment. Under “Managing you
UI Benefi ts,” select “Where is your UI Benefi t Payment?”
When you call one of the toll-free telephone numbers, customer service
representatives are available to assist you with questions regarding missed
appointments, appeals, overpayments, and UI claim Information, Monday
through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Pacifi c Standard Time.
Monday and Tuesday are usually our busiest days. For faster service, call us
Wednesday or Thursday to fi le your claim or to inquire about your claim. You
must, however, call by Friday of the week in which you become unemployed
to receive credit for that week.
Outside California: If you reside in another state and your UI benefi t claim is
against California (California is the state paying the benefi ts to you), the same
telephone services as described above are available to you.
For information on employment services in your state, you can call the
America's Workforce Network Toll-Free Help Line at 1-877-US-2JOBS
(1-877-872-5627) or visit their website at www.servicelocator.org. You can
nd the One-Stop Career Center nearest you, information on Unemployment
Insurance for your state, and employment training.
Remember that other states have different names for their employment
services. In some states the local employment service may contact you directly
about job registration and job search services. It may be mandatory that you
register for work to receive unemployment benefi ts.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Page 42 of 43
Telephone Services for the Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and Speech-Disabled
Deaf and hard-of-hearing customers can call the EDD direct on TTY to fi le
for unemployment benefi ts or get current information on their unemployment
claim. TTY users and people with speech disabilities can also use the
California Relay Service (CRS) to contact the EDD. The relay service with the
EDD phone numbers is provided on the inside cover of this handbook.
TTY (Non-voice) 1-800-815-9387, between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Pacifi c Standard Time, Monday through Friday
NOTE: The TTY 800 number does not accept voice calls.
Federal Income Tax and Unemployment Insurance Benefi ts
Unemployment Insurance (UI) is taxable income and must be reported on your
federal income tax return. The EDD will mail you a form 1099G that states the amount
of benefi ts paid to you during the previous year. The 1099G forms should arrive by
January 31. If you do not receive the 1099G form, you may request a duplicate by:
Calling: 1-866-401-2849
Write to: EDD, UI Integrity and Accounting Division
P. O. Box 2408
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-2408
Be sure to include your full name, Social Security number, mailing address,
and the year for which you are requesting a duplicate 1099G.
If you have questions regarding your tax liability of UI benefi ts, contact the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) toll-free number 1-800-829-1040.
Voluntary Federal Income Tax Withholding
You may request that federal taxes be withheld from your benefi t payments. This
option is strictly voluntary; you are not required to have taxes withheld from your
benefi ts. Some important points to consider when you
make this choice:
Unemployment compensation is subject to federal income tax. The EDD
will report your benefi ts to the IRS annually.
Requirements exist pertaining to estimated tax payments. Failure to pay
required estimated income tax might result in federal income tax penalties.
If you elect to have federal income taxes withheld, the adjusted weekly
benefi t amount is your weekly benefi t amount minus deductions due to
wages earned, illness, or certain other reasons.
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The EDD is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are
available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Requests for services, aids,
and/or alternate formats need to be made by calling the information numbers listed
in this booklet.
DE 1275A Rev. 49 (2-12) (INTERNET) Back Cover + 43 Pages