- 11-
Changed by Resolution of the Executive Committee
Amended 4/10/97, Article I, Section 1; Article II, Sections 1, 2, and 3. Clarified the Terms of the
President and Chairman
Amended 10/15/98, Article I, Section 1; Article II, Sections 1 and 3; Article III, Section 1.
Deleted References to Chairman Position
Amended 1/26/06, Article I, Section 1. Clarified the Term of Trustees and the Term of the
Amended 1/26/06, Article IV, Sections 7 and 8. Updated References to the City’s Sunshine
Amended 6/24/08, Article I, Section 1. Changed the number of terms a Trustee may serve from
three terms of three years to six terms of three years; Article IV, Section 1. Changed the annual
meeting to June; Article V, Sections 1 and 2: Deleted references to the National Council;
Article V, Section 2: Changed Nominating Committee review of Trustee Emeritus status from
every three years to an annual basis, and established Nominating Committee review of
Honorary status on an annual basis.
Amended 10/8/09, Article I, Section 1. Amended to allow a re-elected Trustee, following a period
of at least one year after a Trustee has completed three consecutive three-year terms, to serve
an unlimited number of consecutive three year terms. Amended to eliminate the sentence
regarding the number of terms a President may serve as Trustee.
Amended 01/30/13, Article III, Committees, Section 1. Executive Committee, Amended the
number of Executive Committee members to be at least thirteen, the exact number to be set
by the Board of Trustees from time to time.
Amended 04/02/19: Article I, Section 1. Trustees. The amendment removes the requirement for
Trustees who are retiring and have been re-elected to rotate off the Board for a year.
Amended 04/02/19. Article IV, Section 1. Regular Meetings. The amendment gives flexibility to
set four meetings per year according to the Board’s needs as opposed to prescribed months
ended 04/02/19. Article VI, Section 2. Amendment procedures. Changes the number of
Trustees required to adopt an amendment from a majority of all Trustees to a majority of
Trustees present at a meeting in which an amendment is proposed.
Amended 06/04/19. Article I, Section 1. Create the position of Chair Emeritus/Emerita
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ARTICLE I. NAME .................................................................................................................... 4
ARTICLE II. PURPOSE ............................................................................................................ 4
ARTICLE III. AUTHORITY ........................................................................................................ 4
ARTICLE IV. PRINCIPAL OFFICE ........................................................................................... 5
ARTICLE V. TRUSTEES .......................................................................................................... 5
Section 1. NUMBER OF TRUSTEES. .................................................................................... 5
Section 2. APPOINTMENTS. ................................................................................................. 5
Section 3. ELECTION AND TERM ......................................................................................... 6
Section 4. COMPENSATION. ................................................................................................ 6
ARTICLE VI. OFFICERS .......................................................................................................... 6
Section 1. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. ............................................................................... 6
Section 2. PRESIDENT. ........................................................................................................ 6
Section 3. VICE PRESIDENT(S). ........................................................................................... 7
ARTICLE VII. SECRETARY ..................................................................................................... 7
ARTICLE VIII. DIRECTOR OF MUSEUMS ............................................................................... 8
ARTICLE IX. COMMITTEES .................................................................................................... 8
Section 1. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.................................................................................... 8
Section 2. NOMINATING COMMITTEE. ................................................................................ 8
Section 3. OTHER COMMITTEES. ........................................................................................ 8
ARTICLE X. MEETINGS .......................................................................................................... 9
Section 1. REGULAR MEETINGS. ........................................................................................ 9
Section 2. SPECIAL MEETINGS. .......................................................................................... 9
Section 3. CLOSED MEETINGS. ........................................................................................... 9
Section 4. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. ...................................................................................... 9
Section 5. QUORUM. ............................................................................................................. 9
Section 6. VOTING. ............................................................................................................... 9
Section 7. REQUIREMENT TO VOTE. .................................................................................10
Section 8. LOCATION. ..........................................................................................................10
Section 9. ATTENDANCE. ....................................................................................................10
Section 10. RESIGNATION. .................................................................................................10
Section 11. PUBLIC COMMENT. ..........................................................................................10
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ARTICLE XI. NOMINATING PROCEDURE .............................................................................10
ARTICLE XII. EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS ........................................................................11
ARTICLE XIII. ADOPTION, AMENDMENT OR REPEAL OF BYLAWS ..................................11
BYLAWS CERTIFICATION ......................................................................................................12
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The Name of the Board shall be the “Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums of San
Francisco.” It may also be referred to as the “FAMSF Board of Trustees” and “FAMSF Board.”
The title chosen by the FAMSF Board of Trustees for the department which oversees the
California Palace of the Legion of Honor and the M. H. de Young Memorial Museum is the “Fine
Arts Museums of San Francisco.” This title may be changed by not less than two-thirds of the
Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums. [Charter Section 5.105.]
The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (“Fine Arts Museums,” “Museums” and
“FAMSF”) is a charitable trust department of the City and County of San Francisco (“City and
County”). [Charter Section 5.101.] The purpose of the FAMSF Board is to oversee the Fine
Arts Museums, comprised of the M. H. de Young Memorial Museum (“de Young”) and the
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (“Legion of Honor”).
The FAMSF Board is responsible for the protection, conservation and management of
the assets of the Fine Arts Museums, which include the land and buildings set aside for the
Museums’ use, any objects of art or other articles owned by or gifted to the Museums, and all
moneys in the trust fund of the Museums from the sale of its art and other articles. [Charter
Section 5.101; San Francisco Administrative Code Section 2A.155.3 and Section 2A.155.9.]
The FAMSF Board has custody over the Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts maintained at
the Legion of Honor. [Admin. Code Section 2A.155.2.]
The FAMSF Board shall assure that the Museums are open, accessible and vital
contributors to the cultural life of the City and County, and that the Museums' programs bring art
appreciation and education to all the people of the City and County. [Charter Section 5.105.]
The FAMSF Board shall exercise its authority, functions, powers, and duties in
accordance with the Charter for the City and County of San Francisco ("Charter") Section V and
{01599794.DOC; 1}- 5-
all rules, regulations, orders, and laws of the City and County, including, without limitation
thereto, the applicable provisions of the San Francisco Administrative Code and in accordance
with these Bylaws.
In order to fulfill its obligations under the Charter, the FAMSF Board may enter into
agreements with a not-for-profit or other legal entity to develop or operate the Museums and to
raise and maintain funds for the Museums' support. [Charter Section 5.105.] Operation of the
Museums includes, but is not limited to, sponsoring exhibitions, education and public
programming; managing donor relationships, gifts and fundraising efforts; and overseeing day-
to-day business at both the de Young and Legion of Honor. Such a cooperative understanding
exists with the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums (“COFAM”) and the Fine Arts Museums
Foundation (“Foundation”).
COFAM and the Foundation are private, nonprofit organizations; they are not City
departments or agencies and the Fine Arts Museums do not have control over their corporate
functions or any ownership of any of their assets.
The principal office for the business of the FAMSF Board shall be at the de Young
Museum in San Francisco, California, or at any such other place as the FAMSF Board from time
to time may determine.
Section 1. NUMBER OF TRUSTEES. The Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts
Museums of San Francisco shall consist of not more than 62 Trustees, the exact number to be
set by the FAMSF Board from time to time. [Charter Section 5.105.]
Section 2. APPOINTMENTS. The Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums of San
Francisco is a self-perpetuating board; FAMSF Trustees are to be elected by the members of
the FAMSF Board. [Charter Section 5.105.]
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Section 3. ELECTION AND TERM. Each FAMSF Trustee shall be elected for a term of
three years. [Charter Section 5.102.] Except as otherwise provided herein, the tenure of a
Trustee shall be limited to three consecutive terms of three years. After a FAMSF Trustee has
completed three consecutive three-year terms, such former FAMSF Trustee may be considered
for re-election to the FAMSF Board of Trustees for an unlimited number of consecutive three-
year terms when the FAMSF Board of Trustees finds that such former FAMSF Trustee has
demonstrated extraordinary service to the Museums and that such former FAMSF Trustee’s
absence would be detrimental to the Museums. Any vacancy on the FAMSF Board because of
death, resignation, removal or any other cause shall be filled by the vote of the majority of the
FAMSF Trustees in office at the time within 90 days. A former FAMSF Trustee may be elected
a FAMSF Trustee Emeritus/Emerita. A FAMSF Trustee Emeritus/Emerita shall be elected
based upon outstanding meritorious service to the Museums as a FAMSF Trustee and in
expectation of continued participation and commitment to the goals of the Fine Arts Museums of
San Francisco.
Section 4. COMPENSATION. None of the FAMSF Trustees shall receive any
compensation for their services. [Charter Section 5.102.]
Section 1. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. The officers of the Board of Trustees of the
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, with the exception of the FAMSF President, shall be
elected by a majority of the FAMSF Board of Trustees. The officers shall be a President, one or
more Vice Presidents, and such other officers as the FAMSF Board of Trustees may from time
to time appoint and whose duties and terms of office the FAMSF Board of Trustees shall
Section 2. PRESIDENT. The office of the FAMSF President shall have a term of three
years. The Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums of San
Francisco shall serve as the President of the Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums of
San Francisco. In the event that there is no Chair of the Board of Trustees of COFAM, the
Acting Chair of the Board of Trustees of COFAM shall service as the Acting President of the
Board of Trustees of FAMSF, until a Chair of the Board of Trustees of COFAM is elected.
{01599794.DOC; 1}- 7-
The FAMSF President shall serve as a voting member of the FAMSF Executive
Committee; serve as the public representative of the FAMSF Board of Trustees; set the agenda
for all meetings of the FAMSF Board of Trustees and FAMSF Executive Committee; conduct all
meetings of the FAMSF Board of Trustees and FAMSF Executive Committee; except as
provided in Section 5.102 of the City Charter, appoint all committees of the FAMSF Board of
Trustees and serve as an ex-officio member of each such committee; serve as the primary
contact between the Director of Museums and the FAMSF Board of Trustees; and be
responsible for FAMSF Board communication with the FAMSF Trustees.
Section 3. VICE PRESIDENT(S). One or more FAMSF Vice Presidents shall be
elected annually from among the members of the FAMSF Board of Trustees to serve a term of
one year. All vacancies in the office of Vice President shall be filled by the vote of a majority of
the Trustees in office at the time, and the person or persons so elected shall serve the
unexpired portion of the term of the previous FAMSF Vice President. Each FAMSF Vice
President shall serve as a voting member of the FAMSF Executive Committee and shall have
such other powers and perform such other duties as may be delegated to them by the FAMSF
Board of Trustees or the FAMSF President.
The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept, at the principal office or such other place
as the FAMSF Board may order, a recording and a book of minutes of all meetings of the
FAMSF Board and its committees, with the time and place of holding, whether regular or
special, and if special, how authorized, the notice thereof given, the names of those present at
FAMSF Board and committee meetings, and the proceedings thereof. The Secretary shall
keep, or cause to be kept, at the principal office in the City and County of San Francisco the
original or a copy of the Board’s Articles and Bylaws, as amended to date.
The Secretary shall give, or cause to be given, notice of all meetings of the FAMSF
Board and any committees thereof required by these Bylaws or by law to be given, shall keep
the seal (if any) of the Board in safe custody, and shall have such other powers and perform
such other duties as may be expressly prescribed by Board resolution. The Secretary shall not
be a Trustee of FAMSF.
{01599794.DOC; 1}- 8-
The Director of Museums is the Chief Executive Officer and general manager of the Fine
Arts Museums of San Francisco and has, subject to the oversight of the FAMSF Board, general
supervision, direction, and control of the daily business of FAMSF. The Director of Museums
has the general powers and duties of management usually vested in the offices of general
manager or director of a department of the City and County of San Francisco and such other
power and duties as may be expressly prescribed by Board resolution.
Section 1. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The FAMSF Executive Committee shall consist
of at least three FAMSF Trustees, the exact number to be set by the FAMSF Board of Trustees
from time to time, including the FAMSF President and one or more FAMSF Vice Presidents,
who shall be elected annually from among the members of the FAMSF Board of Trustees to
serve terms of one year. The FAMSF Executive Committee shall only consider such matters
that the President deems necessary to be considered before the next meeting of the FAMSF
Board. All vacancies in the FAMSF Executive Committee, howsoever occurring, shall be filled
for the unexpired portion of the term by the FAMSF President. A majority of the FAMSF
Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. The FAMSF Executive Committee shall
determine the manner and form of its proceedings and the time, place and notice to be given of
its regular or special meetings.
Section 2. NOMINATING COMMITTEE. The FAMSF Nominating Committee shall
consist of the President, one Vice President, and at least one other FAMSF Trustee selected by
the Board. Members of the FAMSF Nominating Committee (other than the President) shall be
elected annually to serve terms of one year. This Committee shall nominate individuals to serve
as Trustees of the FAMSF Board as provided in Article XI. A majority of the FAMSF Nominating
Committee shall constitute a quorum. The FAMSF Nominating Committee shall determine the
manner and form of its proceedings and the time, place and notice to be given of its regular or
special meetings.
Section 3. OTHER COMMITTEES. The FAMSF President may appoint such other
advisory committees as they shall deem appropriate for the purpose of advising the FAMSF
{01599794.DOC; 1}- 9-
Board and the FAMSF Executive Committee on matters pertaining to the Fine Arts Museums of
San Francisco.
Section 1. REGULAR MEETINGS. There shall be a minimum of four regular meetings of
the FAMSF Board of Trustees in each calendar year. The time and place of the regular meetings
shall be set by resolution of the FAMSF Board of Trustees or the FAMSF Executive Committee.
[Government Code Section 54954 and Sunshine Ordinance Sec. 67.6.]
Section 2. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of the FAMSF Board of Trustees
may be called at any time by the Secretary upon the order of the President, or at the written
request of a majority of the members of the FAMSF Board of Trustees. The notice shall specify
the time, place and business to be transacted, and no other business shall be transacted at the
meeting. [Government Code Section 54956 and Sunshine Ordinance Section 67.6.]
Section 3. CLOSED MEETINGS. The FAMSF Board is authorized to hold closed
sessions at regular and special meetings for limited purposes, in accordance with applicable state
and local laws. [Sunshine Ordinance Sections 67.8 and 67.8-1.]
Section 4. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Notice of regular and special FAMSF Board
meetings shall be posted at least 72 hours before the meeting. [Sunshine Ordinance Sections
67.6 and 67.7.] If a meeting must be canceled, continued or rescheduled for any reason, notice
of such change shall be posted as soon as is reasonably possible. [Sunshine Ordinance Section
Section 5. QUORUM. At all meetings of the FAMSF Board of Trustees a quorum shall
consist of one-third of the number of Trustees in office at the time. [Charter Section 5.105.]
Section 6. VOTING. Unless otherwise provided in these bylaws, a majority or two-thirds
vote of the FAMSF Board of Trustees shall mean a majority or two-thirds of the number of
FAMSF Trustees present at the meeting at which the vote is taken. [Charter Section 5.105.]
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Section 7. REQUIREMENT TO VOTE. Each member of the FAMSF Board of Trustees
or any FAMSF committee present at a meeting must vote for or against any particular action put
before the FAMSF Board or FAMSF committee unless excused from voting by a motion adopted
by a majority of the FAMSF members present for good cause including conflict of interest.
[Charter Section 4.104(b).]
Section 8. LOCATION. All meetings of the FAMSF Board of Trustees shall be held in
San Francisco, California at the location designated in the notices thereof. [Sunshine Ordinance
Section 67.6.]
Section 9. ATTENDANCE. The FAMSF President may request the resignation of any
FAMSF Trustee who has three consecutive unexcused absences from FAMSF Board meetings.
Section 10. RESIGNATION. A FAMSF Trustee may resign at any time by giving written
notice to the FAMSF Board. [Admin. Code Section 16.89-15.] Unless otherwise stated in the
written resignation, a resignation shall take effect immediately at the time it is received by the
Section 11. PUBLIC COMMENT. Members of the public shall be allowed to give public
comment during consideration of any item by the FAMSF Board of Trustees or any FAMSF
committee at a public meeting. Public comment may also be given during a general public
comment period, where the public may address the FAMSF Board on issues within the subject
matter jurisdiction of the FAMSF Board but otherwise not on the agenda. Members of the public
have three minutes to make public comment; the presiding officer may limit public testimony to
less than three minutes per person where reasonable. [Sunshine Ordinance Section 67.15.]
The FAMSF Nominating Committee will entertain nominations for members of the FAMSF
Board of Trustees, FAMSF Officers (with the exception of the FAMSF President), FAMSF
Executive Committee, and FAMSF Trustees Emeritus/Emerita. A majority of the members of the
FAMSF Board of Trustees shall be residents of the City and County of San Francisco. [Charter
Section 5.102.] In selecting trustees to serve on the FAMSF Board of Trustees, the FAMSF
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Nominating Committee shall give due consideration to nominees who are broadly representative
of the diverse communities of the City and County of San Francisco and knowledgeable in the
field of art and culture, as demonstrated by their experience, training, interest or philanthropic
activity therein. [Charter Section 5.105.] The FAMSF Board has no requirement that FAMSF
Trustees possess U.S. citizenship and voter registration. [Charter Section 4.101.]
The FAMSF Nominating Committee shall make recommendations to the full FAMSF
Board prior to the date that the FAMSF Board of Trustees is to vote on the election of such
persons. The FAMSF Nominating Committee may solicit recommendations from COFAM’s
Nominating Committee when considering new FAMSF Trustees and shall give strongest
consideration to the individuals recommended.
The FAMSF Board of Trustees authorizes the Director or their designee to enter into any
contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Fine Arts
Museums of San Francisco, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances
except as otherwise provided by a resolution of the Board. [Charter Section 5.101.]
No amendment of these Bylaws shall be made unless it is presented in writing at a regular
or special meeting of the FAMSF Board of Trustees and receives the vote of a majority of all the
members of the FAMSF Board of Trustees present at the meeting. The FAMSF Board shall give
10 days’ public notice before amending these Bylaws. [Charter Section 4.104.]
-- End --
{01599794.DOC; 1}- 12-
I, the undersigned, do hereby certify:
That I am the duly elected and acting Secretary of the Fine Arts Museums of
San Francisco and that the foregoing Bylaws comprising twelve (12) pages, including this page,
constitute the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco in
effect on this date.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the
Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco this ___ day of _______.
Megan Bourne
Adopted 10/07/82
Amended 04/07/83, Section 2. Nominating Committee - National Council
Amended 01/05/84, Article I, Section 1. Trustees - Unexpired Terms
Amended 01/09/86, Article I, Section 1. Trustee Emeritus and Honorary Trustee Status
Amended 01/09/86, Article IV, Section 2. Nominating Committee, Trustee Emeritus Status
Amended 10/06/88, Article III, Employees - Entire Section Deleted
Amended 10/06/88, Article V, Added Public Comment
Amended 06/14/90, Article I, Section 1. Trustee - Unexpired Terms
Amended 06/14/90, Article I, Section 3. Added Wording
Amended 06/14/90, Article II, Section 1. Deleted First Vice President
Amended 06/14/90, Article II, Section 2. Term for President Changed
Amended 06/14/90, Article III, Section 1. Executive Committee Reduced to Seven Members
Amended 06/14/90, Article III, Section 2. Deleted Nominating Committee
Amended 06/14/90, Article IV, Section 1. Annual Meeting Changed to April
Amended 06/14/90, Article V, Section 1 & 2. New Nominating Procedures
Amended 06/14/90, Article VI, Section 1. New Section, Designation of COFAM Trustees
Amended 10/10/91, Article I, Section I. Add Chairman
Amended 10/10/91, Article II, Section I. Add Chairman
Amended 10/10/91, Article II, Section II. Add Duties for President
Amended 10/10/91, Article II, Section III. New Section - Chairman
Amended 10/10/91, Article III, Section 1. Add Chairman
Amended 4/7/94, Various Sections - to comply with Charter changes of November 2, 1993 and
the Sunshine Ordinance of December 16, 1993
Amended 4/13/95, Article III, Section 1. Executive Committee Increased to Thirteen Members
Amended 4/11/96, Article IV, Section 1. Time and Place of Regular Board Meetings May Be
Changed by Resolution of the Executive Committee
{01599794.DOC; 1}- 13-
Amended 4/10/97, Article I, Section 1; Article II, Sections 1, 2, and 3. Clarified the Terms of the
President and Chairman
Amended 10/15/98, Article I, Section 1; Article II, Sections 1 and 3; Article III, Section 1.
Deleted References to Chairman Position
Amended 1/26/06, Article I, Section 1. Clarified the Term of Trustees and the Term of the
Amended 1/26/06, Article IV, Sections 7 and 8. Updated References to the City’s Sunshine
Amended 6/24/08, Article I, Section 1. Changed the number of terms a Trustee may serve from
three terms of three years to six terms of three years; Article IV, Section 1. Changed the annual
meeting to June; Article V, Sections 1 and 2: Deleted references to the National Council;
Article V, Section 2: Changed Nominating Committee review of Trustee Emeritus status from
every three years to an annual basis, and established Nominating Committee review of
Honorary status on an annual basis.
Amended 10/8/09, Article I, Section 1. Amended to allow a re-elected Trustee, following a period
of at least one year after a Trustee has completed three consecutive three-year terms, to serve
an unlimited number of consecutive three year terms. Amended to eliminate the sentence
regarding the number of terms a President may serve as Trustee.
Amended 01/30/13, Article III, Committees, Section 1. Executive Committee, Amended the
number of Executive Committee members to be at least thirteen, the exact number to be set
by the Board of Trustees from time to time.
Amended 04/02/19: Article I, Section 1. Trustees. The amendment removes the requirement for
Trustees who are retiring and have been re-elected to rotate off the Board for a year.
Amended 04/02/19. Article IV, Section 1. Regular Meetings. The amendment gives flexibility to
set four meetings per year according to the Board’s needs as opposed to prescribed months
Amended 04/02/19. Article VI, Section 2. Amendment procedures. Changes the number of
Trustees required to adopt an amendment from a majority of all Trustees to a majority of
Trustees present at a meeting in which an amendment is proposed.
Amended 06/04/19. Article I, Section 1. Create the position of Chair Emeritus/Emerita